--- title: Assorted_information_on_Soviet_RKKA --- ::: mw-parser-output +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ::: {style="width: 52px;"} | **This article may need to be | | [![Wikitext.png](https://c | formatted [following an | | | encyclopedic | | 2f/Wikitext.png){file-height="20" | style](/wiki/T | | file-width="50" | emplate:Wikify "Template:Wikify") | | url="https://central.paradoxwi | .**\ | |" | [Please help improve | | decoding="async" height="20" | [this](https | | loading="lazy" | :// | | width="50"}] | p?title=Assorted_information_on_S | | (/wiki/File:Wikitext.png){.image} | oviet_RKKA&action=edit){.external | | ::: | .text rel="nofollow"} article if | | | you can.]{.small} | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ::: {#toc .toc aria-labelledby="mw-toc-heading" role="navigation"} ::: {.toctitle dir="ltr" lang="en"} ## Contents {#mw-toc-heading} [ ]{.toctogglespan} ::: - [[ 1 ]{.tocnumber} [ From Meltyukhov\'s \"Stalin\'s Missed Chance\" ]{.toctext}](#From_Meltyukhov.27s_.22Stalin.27s_Missed_Chance.22) - [[ 1.1 ]{.tocnumber} [ Development of infantery during 1939-1940 yrs ]{.toctext}](#Development_of_infantery_during_1939-1940_yrs) - [[ 1.2 ]{.tocnumber} [ Development of armoured forced during 1939-1940 yrs. ]{.toctext}](#Development_of_armoured_forced_during_1939-1940_yrs.) - [[ 1.3 ]{.tocnumber} [ USSR tank production during 1930-1944 yrs. ]{.toctext}](#USSR_tank_production_during_1930-1944_yrs.) - [[ 1.4 ]{.tocnumber} [ Number of tanks and armoured cars in the RKKA ]{.toctext}](#Number_of_tanks_and_armoured_cars_in_the_RKKA) - [[ 1.5 ]{.tocnumber} [ Number of airplanes in VVS RKKA by June 1, 1940. ]{.toctext}](#Number_of_airplanes_in_VVS_RKKA_by_June_1.2C_1940.) - [[ 1.6 ]{.tocnumber} [ Number of tanks in the mechanized corps ]{.toctext}](#Number_of_tanks_in_the_mechanized_corps) - [[ 1.7 ]{.tocnumber} [ Development of RKKA Infantery ]{.toctext}](#Development_of_RKKA_Infantery) - [[ 1.8 ]{.tocnumber} [ Development of RKKA Armoured Forces ]{.toctext}](#Development_of_RKKA_Armoured_Forces) - [[ 1.9 ]{.tocnumber} [ Development of RKKA Cavalry ]{.toctext}](#Development_of_RKKA_Cavalry) - [[ 2 ]{.tocnumber} [ From \"1941 - Lessons and Conclusions\" ]{.toctext}](#From_.221941_-_Lessons_and_Conclusions.22) - [[ 2.1 ]{.tocnumber} [ Military supplies for army and fleet during 1938-1941 yrs. ]{.toctext}](#Military_supplies_for_army_and_fleet_during_1938-1941_yrs.) - [[ 2.2 ]{.tocnumber} [ Staffing of Mechanized Corps of Western Military Districts By June 22, 1941 ]{.toctext}](#Staffing_of_Mechanized_Corps_of_Western_Military_Districts_By_June_22.2C_1941) - [[ 2.3 ]{.tocnumber} [ Garrison Troops and Fortification Lines ]{.toctext}](#Garrison_Troops_and_Fortification_Lines) - [[ 2.4 ]{.tocnumber} [ Changes of VVS RKKA Staffing During First Half of 1941 ]{.toctext}](#Changes_of_VVS_RKKA_Staffing_During_First_Half_of_1941) - [[ 2.5 ]{.tocnumber} [ Airfields of Western Military Districts ]{.toctext}](#Airfields_of_Western_Military_Districts) - [[ 2.6 ]{.tocnumber} [ Units Planned for USSR Border Cover by May-June 1941 ]{.toctext}](#Units_Planned_for_USSR_Border_Cover_by_May-June_1941) ::: # [ ]{#From_Meltyukhov's_\"Stalin's_Missed_Chance\"} [ From Meltyukhov\'s \"Stalin\'s Missed Chance\" ]{#From_Meltyukhov.27s_.22Stalin.27s_Missed_Chance.22 .mw-headline} Meltyuhov is generally a \"second-level\" source. This means he is quoting original documents, and I\'m quoting him. So far no objections have been raised against the authencity or accuracy of his information. There are however some inavoidable mistakes in OCR\'ing, translation and re-typing. All the documents come from various Russian state archives (RGVA, RGAE, RGASPI), some additional information has been taken from other books. ## [ Development of infantery during 1939-1940 yrs ]{#Development_of_infantery_during_1939-1940_yrs .mw-headline} -------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ ----------- --------- Staffing 2.09.39\* 23.10.39 15.11.39 21.11.39\* 28.12.39\* 1.02.40 4.04.40 9.05.40 21.05.40\* 4.07.40\* 1.12.40 17000 \- \- \- \- 37 52 \[63\] \- \- \- \- \- 14000 17 43 3 3 \- 3 \[3\] 3 3 3 \- \- 13100 moto \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 12550 \- \- \- \- \- 11 \[-\] \- 15 15 15 97 12000 1 3 31 31 61 41 \[41\] 93 83 S3 83 \- 12000 moto \- \- \- \- \- 11 \[11\] 4 4 6 \- \- 11000 moto \- -: \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 8 9 10500 \- \- \- \- 6 \- \[-\] \- \- \- \- \- 10500 mtn \- \- \- \- 2 \- \[-\] \- \- \- \- \- 9000 moto \- \- 10 15 \- \- \[-\] 6 \- \- \- \- 9000 mtn \- \- \- \- \- \- \[-\] \- 10 10 10 10 9000 \- \- \- \- \- \- \[-\] \- 3 3 \- \- 8900 33 \- \- \- \- \- \[-\] \- \- \- \- \- 7500 mtn \- \- \- 3 \- 2 \[2\] 2 \- \- \- \- 6000 mtn \- \- \- \- \- 11 \[11\] 2 \- \- \- \- 6000 76 54 44 41 54 29 \[29\] 50 43 43 43 49 4000 mtn 13 13 16 13 \- \- \[-\] \- \- \- \- \- 3000 33 60 66 64 \- \- \[-\] \- \- \- 23 23 Total 173 173 170 170 160 160 \[160\] 160 161 163 182 188 6100 brigade 3 3 3 3 3 3 \[3\] 3 3 3 3 5 para brigade 6 6 6 6 6 6 \[61\] 6 6 6 6 6 Staffing ? 1,271,050 1,143,550 1,144,050 ? ? \'? 1,736,164 1,760,164 ? ? -------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ ----------- --------- 1\. The numbers listed are People\'s Comissariat for Defence (NKO) suggestions.\ 2. Asterisk (\*) indicates the NKO suggestions approved by the government.\ 3. Columns for 1.02.40 and 1.12.40 list real situation of the RKKA, NKO suggestions are in square brackets. ## [ Development of armoured forced during 1939-1940 yrs. ]{#Development_of_armoured_forced_during_1939-1940_yrs. .mw-headline} ------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ----------- --------- Units 23.10.39 15.11.39 1.02.40 4.04.40 9.05.40 21.05.40\* 27.05.40 2.06.40\* 4.07.40\* 1.12.40 Armour Corps 4 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- Mech Corps \- \- \- \- \- \- 6 8 8 9 Armoured Divs \- \- \- \- \- \- 12 18 18 20 T-35 Brigades 1 1 1 1 1 1 \- \- \- \- T-28 Brigades 3 3 3 3 3 3 \- \- \- \- BT Brigades 16 16 16 17 16 16 12 6 6 5 T-26 Brigades 16 16 12 18 18 22 22 17 20 40 Lgt Armour Regiments 10 10 10 7 7 3 3 3 1 1 Motorcycle Battallions 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Staffing 105,086 104,975 97,568 ? 96,785 111,228 ? ? ? ? ------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ----------- --------- 1\. The numbers listed are NKO suggestions.\ 2. Asterisk (\*) indicates NKO suggestions approved by the government.\ 3. Columns for 1.02.40 and 1.12.40 list real situation of the RKKA. \ ## [ USSR tank production during 1930-1944 yrs. ]{#USSR_tank_production_during_1930-1944_yrs. .mw-headline} ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- **Model** **1930** **1931** **1932** **1933** **1934** **1935** **1936** **1937** **1938** **1939** **1940** **1941** **1942** **1943** **1944** T-18 78 435 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- T-24 1 25 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- T-26 \- 19 1032 1405 1449 1378 1313 550 1054 1399 1601 102 \- \- \- T-27 \- 365 1593 919 14 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- T-28 \- \- \- 41 51 32 101 46 100 140 13 \- \- \- \- T-34 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 2 115 3014 12527 15821 14648 T-35 \- \- \- 1 10 7 15 10 11 6 \- \- \- \- \- T-37 \- \- \- 138 953 1140 410 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- T-38 \- \- \- \- \- \- 1046 216 \- 158 \- \- \- \- \- T-40-60 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 41 2068 4660 \- \- T-41 \- \- 14 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- T-44 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 25 T-46 \- \- \- \- \- \- 3 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- T-50 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 48 15 \- \- T-70 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 4913 3402 \- T-80 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 81 \- BT-2 \- 3 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- BT-5 \- \- 393 1005 1103 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- BT-7 \- \- \- \- 2 500 1061 788 1217 1397 1 \- \- \- \- BT-7M \- \- \- \- \- \- 2 \- 4 5 779 \- \- \- \- KV \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 243 1358 2553 617 \- IS-2 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 102 2250 SU-5 \- \- \- \- \- 4 30 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- SU-76 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 26 1908 7155 SU-85 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- . - \- \- \- \- \- 760 1893 SU-100 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 500 SU-122 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 25 611 \- SU-152 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 669 2 ISU-122-152 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 35 2510 **Total** **79** **847** **3032** **3509** **3582** **.3061** **3981** **1610** **2386** **3107** **2793** **6590** **24719** **24006** **28983** ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ## [ Number of tanks and armoured cars in the RKKA ]{#Number_of_tanks_and_armoured_cars_in_the_RKKA .mw-headline} ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- Model 1.01.1934 1.01.1935 1.01.1936 1.01.1937 1.01.1938 1.01.1939 1.05.1940 15.09.1940 1.01.1941 1.06.1941 KV \- \- \- \- \- \- 9 27 1% (???) 504 T-35 \- 10 17 32 42 53 60 59 56 59 T-28 41 91 123 224 263 359 470 443 411 481 T-34 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 3 97 892 **Sub-Total** 41 101 140 256 305 412 539 532 760 1936 BT-2 620 620 620 620 620 620 515 543 567 580 BT-5 781 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 6785 1734 1743 1688 BT-7 \- 2 502 1471 2249 3351 4907 4425 4563 BT-7M \- \- \- \- \- \- 569 731 704 BT (chem) \- \- \- 80 80 80 ? 15 15 **Sub-Total** 1401 2506 3006 4005 4833 5935 7300 7750 7466 7549 MS-1 953 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- T-26 (2-twr) 1626 1627 1627 1627 1627 1627 ? 1164 1190 1261 T-26 (1-twr) 712 1680 2969 4277 4827 5544 ? 7186 7212 7486 T-26 (chem) 168 598 605 616 616 906 1027 972 1101 1137 T-26 (eng) 1 45 65 65 65 65 ? 21 49 57 T-26 (tele) \- \- \- \- \- 55 ? 123 108 114 **Sub-Total** 3460 3950 5266 6585 7135 8197 9012 9466 9660 10055 T-37 125 1076 2216 3673 3855 3855 ? 2391 2219 2321 T-37 (chem) \- \- 34 75 75 75 ? 10 6 10 T-38 \- \- \- 1046 1228 1228 ? 1185 1090 1129 T-40 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 5 132 **Sub-Total** 125 1076 2216 3673 3855 3855 3223 3586 3320 3592 T-27 2547 2547 2547 2547 2547 2547 ? ? ? 2343 T-27 (chem) \- \- 164 164 164 164 ? ? ? 33 **Sub-Total** 2547 2547 2711 2711 2711 2711 1908 2219 2101 2376 **Total Tanks** 7574 10180 13339 17280 18839 21110 21982 23545 23307 25508 AC (lgt) 60 162 663 713 967 1268 ? 1533 1569 1899 AC (med) 266 302 370 715 834 1326 ? 2477 2806 3258 **Total ACs** 326 464 973 1428 1801 2594 3362 4010 4375 5197 ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- \ ## [ ]{#Number_of_airplanes_in_VVS_RKKA_by_June_1,_1940.} [ Number of airplanes in VVS RKKA by June 1, 1940. ]{#Number_of_airplanes_in_VVS_RKKA_by_June_1.2C_1940. .mw-headline} ------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------- ------------------ -------------- --------- ------- **Type** **Document 1** **Document 2** In Working Order Need Repairs Total In Working Order Need Repairs Reserve Total **Heavy Bombers** TB-3 330 197 527 330 197 \- 527 DB-3 897 84 981 871 84 26 981 Total 1227 281 1508 1701 281 26 1508 **Light and medium bombers** SB 3371 332 3703 3291 332 80 3703 BB-22 11 \- 11 11 \- \- 11 BB-1 12 \- 12 12 \- \- 12 Total 3394 332 3726 3314 332 80 3726 **Ground Attack Planes** I-15bis 972 133 1105 972 133 \- 1105 DI-6 180 \- 180 138 42 \- 180 Total 1152 133 1285 1110 175 \- 1285 **Fighters** I-15bis 514 85 599 491 85 23 599 I-16 3341 565 3906 3272 565 54 3891 I-153 1251 85 1336 1251 85 \- 1336 Total 5106 735 5841 5014 735 77 5826 **Recond and arty fire correctors** SB 14 \- 14 14 \- \- 14 R-5, R-6, R-Zet, R-10, SSS 2554 780 3334 2554 780 \- 3334 Total 2568 780 3348 2568 780 \- 3348 Total Combat Planes 13447 2261 15708 13207 2303 183 15693 **Trainers and Transports** U-2 2654 791 3445 2637 791 \- 3428 UT-1 7П 55 766 711 55 \- 766 UT-2 414 20 434 414 20 \- 434 UT-3 10 \- 10 10 \- \- 10 UTI-4 584 139 723 584 139 \- 723 I-5 238 94 332 238 94 \- 332 PS-84 (Douglas DC-3) 11 \- 11 11 \- \- 11 Total 4662 1099 5721 4605 1099 \- 5704 Grand Total 18069 3360 21429 17812 3402 183 21397 ------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------- ------------------ -------------- --------- ------- Note. Table contains information from two different documents. \ ## [ Number of tanks in the mechanized corps ]{#Number_of_tanks_in_the_mechanized_corps .mw-headline} ------------------------------ ----------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- **Military District** **Corps** **25.08.40** **1.10.40** **20.02.41** **22.06.41** LVO (Leningrad) 1 mk 924 926 1011 1039 10 mk \- \- 540 469 PribOVO (Baltic) 3 mk 547 635 640 672 12 mk \- \- 589 730 ZapOVO (Byelorussia) 6 mk 276 682 707 1131 11 mk \- \- 241 414 13 mk \- \- 32 282 14 mk \- \- 513 518 17 mk \- \- 182 63 20 mk \- \- 16 94 KOVO (Kiev) 4 mk 797 856 632 979 8 mk 768 623 818 899 9 mk \- \- 94 316 15 mk \- \- 707 749 16 mk \- \- 372 478 19 mk \- \- 274 453 22 mk \- \- 527 712 24 mk \- \- 56 222 OdVO (Odessa) 2 mk 414 435 456 527 18 mk \- \- 235 282 MVO (Moscow) 7 mk 305 743 792 959 21 mk \- \- 120 175 ZakVO (Caucasus-Caspian Sea) 6 td 359 369 \- \- 28 mk \- \- 710 869 SAVO (Central Asia) 9 td 234 234 \- \- 27 mk \- \- 308 356 KhVO (Kharkov) 25 mk \- \- 163 300 OrVO (Orel) 23 mk \- \- 161 413 SKVO (North Caucasus) 26 mk \- \- 125 184 ZabVO (Siberia) 5 mk 823 889 1011 1070 29 mk\* \- \- 1011 \- DVF (Far East) 30 mk \- \- 1641 2969\*\* 59 td \- \- 69 md \- \- ------------------------------ ----------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- (\*) Corps was disbanded in spring 1941.\ (\*\*) Total number of tanks on the Far East.\ Acronyms: mk - mekhanizirovanniy korpus (mech corps), td - tankovaya diviziya (armour division), md - mekhanizirovannaya diviziya (mech division). ## [ Development of RKKA Infantery ]{#Development_of_RKKA_Infantery .mw-headline} ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- **Types** **1934** **1935** **1936** **1937** **1938** Regular Rifle Divisions 18 17 38 48 87 Mixed Rifle Divisions 16 16 4 \- \- Territorial Rifle Divisions 42 38 35 25 \- Regular Mountain Infantery 5 5 5 10 11 Mixed Mountain Infantery 3 3 4 \- \- Peasant Militia Divisions 3 3 \- 3 \- Garrison Rifle Divisions \- 1 11 12 \- Territorial \"B\" Rifle Divisions \- 4 \- \- \- Total 87 87 97 98 98 Separate Rifle Brigades \- \- \- \- 5 Separate Rifle Regiments \- 2 2 \- \- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- \ ## [ Development of RKKA Armoured Forces ]{#Development_of_RKKA_Armoured_Forces .mw-headline} ------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- **Units** **1934** **1935** **1936** **1937** **1938** **1939** Armour Brigades 12 18 30 30 29 31 Motorized Armour Brigades \- \- \- 1 2 3 MG Infantery Brigades 3 3 3 3 3 4 Armoured Regiments 5 2 2 \- \- 10 Motorized Armour Regiments \- \- \- 1 1 \- HQ Reserve Armour Battallions 9 4 6 6 6 \- ------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- \ ## [ Development of RKKA Cavalry ]{#Development_of_RKKA_Cavalry .mw-headline} ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- **Units** **1934** **1935** **1938** Regular Cavalry Divisions 17 24 18 Regular Mountain Cavalry Divisions 5 5 5 Territorial Cavalry Divisions \- 3 \- Cossack Cavalry Divisions \- \- 2 Cavalry Brigades \- \- 2 ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- \ # [ ]{#From_\"1941_-_Lessons_and_Conclusions\"} [ From \"1941 - Lessons and Conclusions\" ]{#From_.221941_-_Lessons_and_Conclusions.22 .mw-headline} Book \"1941\" was written by a group of authors from the General HQ of United Military Forces of CIS and was published in 1992 by Voenizdat (Military Publishing), Moscow. ## [ Military supplies for army and fleet during 1938-1941 yrs. ]{#Military_supplies_for_army_and_fleet_during_1938-1941_yrs. .mw-headline} ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------------- **Weapons Category** **Total Number Sent to Army and Fleet** *1938* *1939* *1940* *By June 1941* Artillery Guns 12 340 17 066 15 096 7 913 Mortars 1 188 4 070 37 867 10 480 Rifles 1 124 700 1 396 700 1 395 000 792 000 Machine Guns 52 600 73 600 52 200 \- Airplanes 5 469 10 362 10 565 5 958 Tanks 2 271 2 986 2 790 1 672 ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------------- \ ## [ ]{#Staffing_of_Mechanized_Corps_of_Western_Military_Districts_By_June_22,_1941} [ Staffing of Mechanized Corps of Western Military Districts By June 22, 1941 ]{#Staffing_of_Mechanized_Corps_of_Western_Military_Districts_By_June_22.2C_1941 .mw-headline} ---------------------- ---------- --------- --------------- --------------- --------------- District Corps \# **Men** **Tanks** Number \% of Regular Number \% of Regular LenVO (Leningrad) 1 31 348 87 1 039 (15) 100 10 26 065 72 469 46 PribOVO (Baltics) 3 31 975 87 672 (110) 65 12 29 998 83 730 71 ZapOVO (Byelorussia) 6 24 005 67 1 131 (452) 110 11 21 605 60 414(20) 40 13 17 809 49 282 27 14 15 550 43 518 50 17 16 578 46 63 6 20 20 389 57 94 9 KOVO (Kiev) 4 28 097 78 979(414) 95 8 31 927 89 899 (171) 87 9 26 833 74 316 31 15 33 935 94 749 (136) 73 16 26 383 73 478 (76) 46 19 22 654 63 453 (5) 44 22 24 087 67 712 (31) 69 24 21 556 60 222 22 OdVO (Odessa) 2 32 396 90 527 (60) 51 18 26 879 75 282 27 Total 510 066 \- 11 029 (1306) \- ---------------------- ---------- --------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 1\. Number of new tanks (KV and T-34) is mentioned in brackets. 2. Average staffing with cars, trucks and tractors is no more than 35%. 3. Average staffing with specialty machines is no more than 15-20%. \ ## [ Garrison Troops and Fortification Lines ]{#Garrison_Troops_and_Fortification_Lines .mw-headline} In 1927-37 on the old border and in the operative depth 13 fortified regions were constructed. Each was 48-140 km wide and 1-2 km deep. However the machine-gun weaponry was prevailing, artillery guns were only about 10% of all systems. During 1938-39 additional 8 fortified regions are being constructed on the old border. A total of 1028 buildings were made. To keep them in working order, 25 MG battallions were deployed in them on June 1, 1941, with total staffing of 17080 men. Seven fortified regions of 1938-39 construction time did not have any garrisons. During 1940-41 another 20 fortified regions are being constructed on the new border. These were of new system and were supposed to be more reliable. About 46% of fortifications had artillery weapons. Each fortified region was expected to have two lines instead of one, thus increasing depth to 30-50 km. Each fortified region width was about 100 km. Gaps up to 20 km between the regions were allowed, and were supposed to be covered by defensive positions and flanking artillery fire. Weak side of these new regions was unsufficient distance from the enemy - they were build almost directly at the border. Despite the efforts, only those fortified regions which construction had been started in 1940 were completed by June 22, 1941, and even they were only partially armed. This was the result of poor planning without taking industrial abilities into consideration. At the beginning of the war fortified regions were kept on reduced staffing: 28-30% on the new border and up to 15% on the old border. On May 21, 1941 it was decided to form additional 13 fortification region HQs, 110 artillery-MG battallions, 16 artillery-MG companies, 6 artillery squadrons, 16 artillery batteries and other units with total staffing of 120,695 men. It was planned to finish the staffing of new border FR\'s by July 1st, and on the old border by October 1st. \ ## [ Changes of VVS RKKA Staffing During First Half of 1941 ]{#Changes_of_VVS_RKKA_Staffing_During_First_Half_of_1941 .mw-headline} --------------------------- ----------------- ----------- ----------------- ----------- ----------------- ----------- **VVS Arm** **Quantity** *By 1.01.1941.* *By 1.03.1941.* *By 1.06.1941.* air regiments airplanes air regiments airplanes air regiments airplanes HQ Reserve LR Bombers 40 1 780 43 2 008 44 2 311 VVS of Military Districts 209 12 315 213 12 721 222 13 288 Total 249 14 095 256 14 729 266 15 599 VVS Training Schools \- 3 751 \- 3 751 \- 3 984 Total 249 17 846 256 18 450 266 19 583 --------------------------- ----------------- ----------- ----------------- ----------- ----------------- ----------- Out of 15595 combat aircrafts, 8472 were located in the western military districts. Kiev MD had 1913 aircrafts, Western MD had 1789. Fighters were 59% of total number of aircrafts. Number of ground attack planes was very low - only 317 airplanes. By June 22, 1941, only one regiment out of five is equipped with Il-2, the rest have I-15 and I-153. 378 recon aircrafts were present, mostly of obsolete types: R-5, R-Zet, R-10, SB and sometimes Yak-4. Number of aircrafts does not represent real strength of VVS, as there were more planes than pilots. This happened because the air regiments have received the new aircraft models and were re-training. As the result, many planes were lost at the airfields because they didn\'t have a pilot to take them off. \ ## [ Airfields of Western Military Districts ]{#Airfields_of_Western_Military_Districts .mw-headline} ---------------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------- --------------------------- ---------------------------- Military District Air Regiments Airfields on 1.01 1941 г. Airfields in construction Planned for end of 1941 г. Permanent Operative Reconstructing Total LenVO (Leningrad) 24 21 68 1 90 11 101 PrivOVO (Baltics) 18 17 \- 49 66 \- 66 ZapOVO (Byelorussia) 29 29 141 16 186 39 225 KOVO (Kiev) 30 19 81 56 156 88 244 OdVO (Odessa) 15 9 92 13 114 5 119 Total 116 95 382 135 612 143 755 ---------------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------- --------------------------- ---------------------------- \ ## [ Units Planned for USSR Border Cover by May-June 1941 ]{#Units_Planned_for_USSR_Border_Cover_by_May-June_1941 .mw-headline} ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Location LenOVO\ PribOVO\ ZapOVO\ KOVO\ OdVO\ Total\ (3 armies) (3 armies) (4 armies) (4 armies) (1 armies) (15 armies) 1st 12 inf,\ 10 inf,\ 14 inf 17 inf 7 inf,\ 63 divisions Echelon 1 arm,\ 1 inf br. 2 cav 1 inf br. 2nd 2 inf,\ 7 inf,\ 8 arm,\ 8 arm,\ 2 inf,\ 51 division Echelon 2 arm,\ 4 arm,\ 4 moto,\ 4 moto,\ 1 cav,\ 1 moto 2 moto 2 cav 1 cav 2 arm,\ 1 moto District 3 inf,\ \- 5 inf,\ 15 inf,\ 1 inf 45 divisions Reserves 1 arm,\ 4 arm,\ 8 arm,\ 1 moto 2 moto 4 moto,\ 1 cav High \- \- 5 inf 3 inf 2 arm,\ 11 divisions Command 1 moto Reserve Total 23 23 44 61 19 170 divisions,\ divisions,\ divisions,\ divisions,\ divisions,\ divisions,\ 1 brigade,\ 1 brigade\ 11 air 21 air 6 air 2 brigades,\ 8 air 4 air divisions division divisions 50 air divisions divisions divisions ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- :::