--- title: Tag_List --- ::: mw-parser-output As of the Armageddon 1.0a patch. - *Italic* tags were brought from HoI1 - **Bold** tags are Armageddon\'s fictional countries\ ::: {#toc .toc aria-labelledby="mw-toc-heading" role="navigation"} ::: {.toctitle dir="ltr" lang="en"} ## Contents {#mw-toc-heading} [ ]{.toctogglespan} ::: - [[ 1 ]{.tocnumber} [ A (13 tags) ]{.toctext}](#A_.2813_tags.29) - [[ 2 ]{.tocnumber} [ B (10 tags) ]{.toctext}](#B_.2810_tags.29) - [[ 3 ]{.tocnumber} [ C (19 tags) ]{.toctext}](#C_.2819_tags.29) - [[ 4 ]{.tocnumber} [ D (4 tags) ]{.toctext}](#D_.284_tags.29) - [[ 5 ]{.tocnumber} [ E (8 tags) ]{.toctext}](#E_.288_tags.29) - [[ 6 ]{.tocnumber} [ F (3 tags) ]{.toctext}](#F_.283_tags.29) - [[ 7 ]{.tocnumber} [ G (8 tags) ]{.toctext}](#G_.288_tags.29) - [[ 8 ]{.tocnumber} [ H (4 tags) ]{.toctext}](#H_.284_tags.29) - [[ 9 ]{.tocnumber} [ I (8 tags) ]{.toctext}](#I_.288_tags.29) - [[ 10 ]{.tocnumber} [ J (2 tags) ]{.toctext}](#J_.282_tags.29) - [[ 11 ]{.tocnumber} [ K (4 tags) ]{.toctext}](#K_.284_tags.29) - [[ 12 ]{.tocnumber} [ L (7 tags) ]{.toctext}](#L_.287_tags.29) - [[ 13 ]{.tocnumber} [ M (11 tags) ]{.toctext}](#M_.2811_tags.29) - [[ 14 ]{.tocnumber} [ N (6 tags) ]{.toctext}](#N_.286_tags.29) - [[ 15 ]{.tocnumber} [ O (2 tags) ]{.toctext}](#O_.282_tags.29) - [[ 16 ]{.tocnumber} [ P (11 tags) ]{.toctext}](#P_.2811_tags.29) - [[ 17 ]{.tocnumber} [ Q (1 tag) ]{.toctext}](#Q_.281_tag.29) - [[ 18 ]{.tocnumber} [ R (4 tags) ]{.toctext}](#R_.284_tags.29) - [[ 19 ]{.tocnumber} [ S (21 tags) ]{.toctext}](#S_.2821_tags.29) - [[ 20 ]{.tocnumber} [ T (8 tags) ]{.toctext}](#T_.288_tags.29) - [[ 21 ]{.tocnumber} [ U (22 tags) ]{.toctext}](#U_.2822_tags.29) - [[ 22 ]{.tocnumber} [ V (3 tags) ]{.toctext}](#V_.283_tags.29) - [[ 23 ]{.tocnumber} [ W (1 tag) ]{.toctext}](#W_.281_tag.29) - [[ 24 ]{.tocnumber} [ Y (2 tags) ]{.toctext}](#Y_.282_tags.29) - [[ 25 ]{.tocnumber} [ User Defined (20 tags) ]{.toctext}](#User_Defined_.2820_tags.29) - [[ 26 ]{.tocnumber} [ All in a row (179 tags) ]{.toctext}](#All_in_a_row_.28179_tags.29) ::: # [ ]{#A_(13_tags)} [ A (13 tags) ]{#A_.2813_tags.29 .mw-headline} AFG - Afghanistan\ ALB - Albania\ ALG - Algeria\ *ALI - Alien Invaders*\ *ALS - The Allies*\ *ANG - Angola*\ *ARA - Arab Federation*\ ARG - Argentina\ ARM - Armenia\ AST - [Australia](/wiki/Australia "Australia")\ AUS - Austria\ *AXI - The Axis - (this won\'t work with events, tested in DD v1.2)*\ AZB - Azerbaijan\ # [ ]{#B_(10_tags)} [ B (10 tags) ]{#B_.2810_tags.29 .mw-headline} BEL - Belgium\ *BEN - Benin-Sahel*\ BHU - Bhutan\ BLR - Byelorussia\ BOL - Bolivia\ *BOS - Bosnia*\ BRA - Brazil\ BRU - Brunei\ BUL - Bulgaria\ BUR - Burma\ # [ ]{#C_(19_tags)} [ C (19 tags) ]{#C_.2819_tags.29 .mw-headline} *CAL - California*\ *CAM - Cameroon*\ CAN - Canada\ *CGX - Guangxi Clique*\ CHC - Communist China\ CHI - Nationalist China\ CHL - Chile\ *CMB - Cambodia*\ COL - Colombia\ *CON - Congo*\ COS - Costa Rica\ CRO - Croatia\ *CSA - Confederate States*\ *CSX - Shanxi*\ CUB - Cuba\ *CXB - Xibei San Ma*\ *CYN - Yunnan*\ *CYP - Cyprus*\ CZE - Czechoslovakia\ # [ ]{#D_(4_tags)} [ D (4 tags) ]{#D_.284_tags.29 .mw-headline} *DDR - DDR*\ DEN - Denmark\ *DFR - FRG*\ DOM - Dominican Republic\ # [ ]{#E_(8_tags)} [ E (8 tags) ]{#E_.288_tags.29 .mw-headline} *EAF - East African Union*\ ECU - Ecuador\ EGY - Egypt\ ENG - United Kingdom\ *EQA - Equatorial Africa*\ EST - Estonia\ ETH - Ethiopia\ *EUS - Euskadi*\ # [ ]{#F_(3_tags)} [ F (3 tags) ]{#F_.283_tags.29 .mw-headline} FIN - Finland\ *FLA - Flanders*\ FRA - France\ # [ ]{#G_(8_tags)} [ G (8 tags) ]{#G_.288_tags.29 .mw-headline} *GAB - Gabon*\ GEO - Georgia\ GER - Germany\ *GLD - Gold Coast*\ GRE - Greece\ GUA - Guatemala\ *GUI - Guinea*\ *GUY - Guyana*\ # [ ]{#H_(4_tags)} [ H (4 tags) ]{#H_.284_tags.29 .mw-headline} HAI - Haiti\ HOL - Netherlands\ HON - Honduras\ HUN - Hungary\ # [ ]{#I_(8_tags)} [ I (8 tags) ]{#I_.288_tags.29 .mw-headline} ICL - Iceland\ IDC - [Indochina](/wiki/Indochina "Indochina")\ IND - India\ INO - Indonesia\ IRE - Ireland\ IRQ - Iraq\ *ISR - Israel*\ ITA - Italy\ # [ ]{#J_(2_tags)} [ J (2 tags) ]{#J_.282_tags.29 .mw-headline} JAP - Japan\ JOR - Jordan\ # [ ]{#K_(4_tags)} [ K (4 tags) ]{#K_.284_tags.29 .mw-headline} KAZ - Kazakhstan\ KOR - Korea\ *KUR - Kurdistan*\ KYG - Kyrgyzstan\ # [ ]{#L_(7_tags)} [ L (7 tags) ]{#L_.287_tags.29 .mw-headline} *LAO - [Laos](/wiki/Laos "Laos")*\ LAT - Latvia\ LBY - Libya\ LEB - Lebanon\ LIB - Liberia\ LIT - Lithuania\ LUX - Luxemburg\ # [ ]{#M_(11_tags)} [ M (11 tags) ]{#M_.2811_tags.29 .mw-headline} *MAD - [Madagascar](/wiki/Madagascar "Madagascar")*\ *MAL - Union of Mali*\ MAN - Manchukuo\ *MEN - [Mengkukuo](/wiki/Mengkukuo "Mengkukuo")*\ MEX - Mexico\ MIN - (Undefined Nation)\ MLY - Malaysia\ MON - Mongolia\ MOR - Morocco\ *MOZ - Mozambique*\ MTN - Montenegro\ # [ ]{#N_(6_tags)} [ N (6 tags) ]{#N_.286_tags.29 .mw-headline} *NAM - Namibia*\ NEP - Nepal\ NIC - Nicaragua\ *NIG - Nigeria*\ NOR - Norway\ NZL - New Zealand\ # [ ]{#O_(2_tags)} [ O (2 tags) ]{#O_.282_tags.29 .mw-headline} OMN - Oman\ *OTT - Ottoman Empire*\ # [ ]{#P_(11_tags)} [ P (11 tags) ]{#P_.2811_tags.29 .mw-headline} *PAK - Pakistan*\ PAL - Palestine\ PAN - Panama\ PAR - Paraguay\ PER - Persia\ PHI - Philippines\ POL - Poland\ POR - Portugal\ *PRI - Primorsk*\ *PRK - People\'s Republic of Korea*\ PRU - Peru\ # [ ]{#Q_(1_tag)} [ Q (1 tag) ]{#Q_.281_tag.29 .mw-headline} *QUE - Quebec* # [ ]{#R_(4_tags)} [ R (4 tags) ]{#R_.284_tags.29 .mw-headline} *RHO - Rhodesia*\ ROM - Romania\ *RSI - Italian Social Republic*\ RUS - Russia\ # [ ]{#S_(21_tags)} [ S (21 tags) ]{#S_.2821_tags.29 .mw-headline} SAF - South Africa\ SAL - El Salvador\ SAR - Sarawak\ SAU - Saudi Arabia\ *SCA - Scandanavia*\ SCH - Switzerland\ *SCO - Scotland*\ SER - Serbia\ SIA - Siam\ SIB - Siberia\ *SIE - Sierra Leone*\ SIK - Sinkiang\ SLO - Slovakia\ SLV - Slovenia\ *SOM - Somalia*\ SOV - Soviet Union\ SPA - Nationalist Spain\ SPR - Republican Spain\ *SUD - Sudan*\ SWE - Sweden\ SYR - Syria\ # [ ]{#T_(8_tags)} [ T (8 tags) ]{#T_.288_tags.29 .mw-headline} TAJ - Tajikistan\ TAN - [Tannu Tuva](/wiki/Tannu_Tuva "Tannu Tuva")\ *TEX - Texas*\ TIB - Tibet\ *TRA - Transural Republic*\ TRK - Turkmenistan\ TUN - Tunisia\ TUR - Turkey\ # [ ]{#U_(22_tags)} [ U (22 tags) ]{#U_.2822_tags.29 .mw-headline} **UAP - APR**\ **UAU - Australasia**\ **UBO - Bourbon**\ **UCH - Republic of China**\ **UCS - The Confederates**\ **UER - Empire of Russia**\ **UES - European Soviets**\ **UGS - Sweden**\ **UIC - Indo China**\ **UIR - Indian Republic**\ UKR - Ukraine\ **UPE - Republic of Persia**\ **UPR - Prussia**\ **UPS - PRRS**\ **URO - Roma**\ URU - Uruguay\ USA - USA\ **USN - USNA**\ **UTC - The Cossacks**\ **UTL - The Libertadores**\ **UTO - The Ottomans**\ UZB - Uzbekistan\ # [ ]{#V_(3_tags)} [ V (3 tags) ]{#V_.283_tags.29 .mw-headline} VEN - Venezuela\ VIC - Vichy France\ *VIE - Vietnam*\ # [ ]{#W_(1_tag)} [ W (1 tag) ]{#W_.281_tag.29 .mw-headline} *WLL - Wallonia* # [ ]{#Y_(2_tags)} [ Y (2 tags) ]{#Y_.282_tags.29 .mw-headline} YEM - Yemen\ YUG - Yugoslavia # [ ]{#User_Defined_(20_tags)} [ User Defined (20 tags) ]{#User_Defined_.2820_tags.29 .mw-headline} U00, U01, U02, U03, U04, U05, U06, U07, U08, U09, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18, U19\ \ 184 Tags in Total # [ ]{#All_in_a_row_(179_tags)} [ All in a row (179 tags) ]{#All_in_a_row_.28179_tags.29 .mw-headline} (except Userdefiend, Aliens, Axis and Allies)\ \ AFG,Afghanistan\ ALB,Albania\ ALG,Algeria\ ANG,Angola\ ARA,Arab Federation\ ARG,Argentina\ ARM,Armenia\ AST,Australia\ AUS,Austria\ AZB,Azerbaijan\ BEL,Belgium\ BEN,Benin-Sahel\ BHU,Bhutan\ BLR,Byelorussia\ BOL,Bolivia\ BOS,Bosnia\ BRA,Brazil\ BRU,Brunei\ BUL,Bulgaria\ BUR,Burma\ CAL,California\ CAM,Cameroon\ CAN,Canada\ CGX,Guangxi Clique\ CHC,Communist China\ CHI,Nationalist China\ CHL,Chile\ CMB,Cambodia\ COL,Colombia\ CON,Congo\ COS,Costa Rica\ CRO,Croatia\ CSA,Confederate States\ CSX,Shanxi\ CUB,Cuba\ CXB,Xibei San Ma\ CYN,Yunnan\ CYP,Cyprus\ CZE,Czechoslovakia\ DDR,DDR\ DEN,Denmark\ DFR,FRG\ DOM,Dominican Republic\ EAF,East African Union\ ECU,Ecuador\ EGY,Egypt\ ENG,United Kingdom\ EQA,Equatorial Africa\ EST,Estonia\ ETH,Ethiopia\ EUS,Euskadi\ FIN,Finland\ FLA,Flanders\ FRA,France\ GAB,Gabon\ GEO,Georgia\ GER,Germany\ GLD,Gold Coast\ GRE,Greece\ GUA,Guatemala\ GUI,Guinea\ GUY,Guyana\ HAI,Haiti\ HOL,Netherlands\ HON,Honduras\ HUN,Hungary\ ICL,Iceland\ IDC,Indochina\ IND,India\ INO,Indonesia\ IRE,Ireland\ IRQ,Iraq\ ISR,Israel\ ITA,Italy\ JAP,Japan\ JOR,Jordan\ KAZ,Kazakhstan\ KOR,Korea\ KUR,Kurdistan\ KYG,Kyrgyzstan\ LAO,Laos\ LAT,Latvia\ LBY,Libya\ LEB,Lebanon\ LIB,Liberia\ LIT,Lithuania\ LUX,Luxemburg\ MAD,Madagascar\ MAL,Union of Mali\ MAN,Manchukuo\ MEN,Mengkukuo\ MEX,Mexico\ MIN,(Undefined Nation)\ MLY,Malaysia\ MON,Mongolia\ MOR,Morocco\ MOZ,Mozambique\ MTN,Montenegro\ NAM,Namibia\ NEP,Nepal\ NIC,Nicaragua\ NIG,Nigeria\ NOR,Norway\ NZL,New Zealand\ OMN,Oman\ OTT,Ottoman Empire\ PAK,Pakistan\ PAL,Palestine\ PAN,Panama\ PAR,Paraguay\ PER,Persia\ PHI,Philippines\ POL,Poland\ POR,Portugal\ PRI,Primorsk\ PRK,People\'s Republic of Korea\ PRU,Peru\ QUE,Quebec\ RHO,Rhodesia\ ROM,Romania\ RSI,Italian Social Republic\ RUS,Russia\ SAF,South Africa\ SAL,El Salvador\ SAR,Sarawak\ SAU,Saudi Arabia\ SCA,Scandanavia\ SCH,Switzerland\ SCO,Scotland\ SER,Serbia\ SIA,Siam\ SIB,Siberia\ SIE,Sierra Leone\ SIK,Sinkiang\ SLO,Slovakia\ SLV,Slovenia\ SOM,Somalia\ SOV,Soviet Union\ SPA,Nationalist Spain\ SPR,Republican Spain\ SUD,Sudan\ SWE,Sweden\ SYR,Syria\ TAJ,Tajikistan\ TAN,Tannu Tuva\ TEX,Texas\ TIB,Tibet\ TRA,Transural Republic\ TRK,Turkmenistan\ TUN,Tunisia\ TUR,Turkey\ UAP,APR\ UAU,Australasia\ UBO,Bourbon\ UCH,Republic of China\ UCS,The Confederates\ UER,Empire of Russia\ UES,European Soviets\ UGS,Sweden\ UIC,Indo China\ UIR,Indian Republic\ UKR,Ukraine\ UPE,Republic of Persia\ UPR,Prussia\ UPS,PRRS\ URO,Roma\ URU,Uruguay\ USA,USA\ USN,USNA\ UTC,The Cossacks\ UTL,The Libertadores\ UTO,The Ottomans\ UZB,Uzbekistan\ VEN,Venezuela\ VIC,Vichy France\ VIE,Vietnam\ WLL,Wallonia\ YEM,Yemen\ YUG,Yugoslavia\ :::