--- title: Napoleon --- ::: mw-parser-output ***The Wars of Napoleon*** is a modification for *Hearts of Iron 2* that is still in its early development stage. It focuses on a rebuilding of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. You can visit the [project\'s forums]({.external .text rel="nofollow"} and contribute.\ ::: {#toc .toc aria-labelledby="mw-toc-heading" role="navigation"} ::: {.toctitle dir="ltr" lang="en"} ## Contents {#mw-toc-heading} [ ]{.toctogglespan} ::: - [[ 1 ]{.tocnumber} [ Campaigns and Battle Scenarios ]{.toctext}](#Campaigns_and_Battle_Scenarios) - [[ 1.1 ]{.tocnumber} [ Campaigns ]{.toctext}](#Campaigns) - [[ 1.2 ]{.tocnumber} [ Battle Scenarios ]{.toctext}](#Battle_Scenarios) - [[ 2 ]{.tocnumber} [ External links: ]{.toctext}](#External_links:) ::: ## [ Campaigns and Battle Scenarios ]{#Campaigns_and_Battle_Scenarios .mw-headline} ### [ Campaigns ]{#Campaigns .mw-headline} - 1789 - The Revolution - 1793 - The First Coalition (currently under construction) - 1798 - 1805 - 1812 - 1816 ### [ Battle Scenarios ]{#Battle_Scenarios .mw-headline} Not much work has yet been done on this. Possible battle scenarios to include would be: - 1776 - The American War of Independence - 1806 - The South American Wars of Independence - 1821 - The Greek War of Independence ## [ External links: ]{#External_links: .mw-headline} - [Official *\"Wars of Napoleon\"* Forums]({.external .text rel="nofollow"} - [Paradox Plaza Forums: scenarios and modifications subforum]({.external .text rel="nofollow"} - [Paradox Plaza Forums: *\"Wars of Napoleon\"* original thread]({.external .text rel="nofollow"} - [Napoleon\'s Wars own wiki site]({.external .text rel="nofollow"} :::