--- title: Air_Doctrine_Tech_Tree --- ::: mw-parser-output ::: {.eu4box style="width:250px; height:auto; float:right; clear:right"} ::: heading ::: {style="font-size:larger; padding: 3px 0px; text-align:center;"} [Tech Tree](/wiki/Tech_Tree "Tech Tree") ::: ::: ::: {style="font-weight: bold; text-align:center;"} Regular ::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::: {style="columns:110px 2; column-gap: 5px;-webkit-columns:110px 2; -webkit-column-gap: 5px;-moz-columns:110px 2; -moz-column-gap: 5px;"} [Aircraft](/wiki/Aircraft_Tech_Tree "Aircraft Tech Tree")\ [Armor and Artillery](/wiki/Armor_and_Artillery_Tech_Tree "Armor and Artillery Tech Tree")\ [Industry](/wiki/Industry_Tech_Tree "Industry Tech Tree")\ [Infantry](/wiki/Infantry_Tech_Tree "Infantry Tech Tree")\ [Naval](/wiki/Naval_Tech_Tree "Naval Tech Tree")\ [Secret Weapons](/wiki/Secret_Weapons_Tech_Tree "Secret Weapons Tech Tree") ::: ::: {style="font-weight: bold; text-align:center;"} Doctrines ::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::: {style="columns:80px 3; column-gap: 5px;-webkit-columns:80px 3; -webkit-column-gap: 5px;-moz-columns:80px 3; -moz-column-gap: 5px;"} [Land](/wiki/Land_Doctrine_Tech_Tree "Land Doctrine Tech Tree")\ [Air]{.mw-selflink .selflink}\ [Naval](/wiki/Naval_Doctrine_Tech_Tree "Naval Doctrine Tech Tree") ::: ::: ::: {#toc .toc aria-labelledby="mw-toc-heading" role="navigation"} ::: {.toctitle dir="ltr" lang="en"} ## Contents {#mw-toc-heading} [ ]{.toctogglespan} ::: - [[ 1 ]{.tocnumber} [ Air Superiority ]{.toctext}](#Air_Superiority) - [[ 1.1 ]{.tocnumber} [ Air Superiority Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Air_Superiority_Doctrine) - [[ 1.2 ]{.tocnumber} [ Flying Circus Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Flying_Circus_Doctrine) - [[ 1.3 ]{.tocnumber} [ Force Substitution Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Force_Substitution_Doctrine) - [[ 1.4 ]{.tocnumber} [ Battlefield Destruction Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Battlefield_Destruction_Doctrine) - [[ 1.5 ]{.tocnumber} [ Dive Bombing Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Dive_Bombing_Doctrine) - [[ 1.6 ]{.tocnumber} [ Direct Ground Support Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Direct_Ground_Support_Doctrine) - [[ 1.7 ]{.tocnumber} [ Bomber Veteran Initiative ]{.toctext}](#Bomber_Veteran_Initiative) - [[ 1.8 ]{.tocnumber} [ Night Strikes Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Night_Strikes_Doctrine) - [[ 1.9 ]{.tocnumber} [ Operational Destruction Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Operational_Destruction_Doctrine) - [[ 1.10 ]{.tocnumber} [ Battlefield Interdiction Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Battlefield_Interdiction_Doctrine) - [[ 1.11 ]{.tocnumber} [ Strafing Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Strafing_Doctrine) - [[ 1.12 ]{.tocnumber} [ Logistical Strike Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Logistical_Strike_Doctrine) - [[ 1.13 ]{.tocnumber} [ Night Strafing Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Night_Strafing_Doctrine) - [[ 1.14 ]{.tocnumber} [ Strategic Destruction Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Strategic_Destruction_Doctrine) - [[ 1.15 ]{.tocnumber} [ Escort Box System Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Escort_Box_System_Doctrine) - [[ 1.16 ]{.tocnumber} [ Combat-Bombardment Groups Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Combat-Bombardment_Groups_Doctrine) - [[ 1.17 ]{.tocnumber} [ Dead Reckoning Bombardment Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Dead_Reckoning_Bombardment_Doctrine) - [[ 1.18 ]{.tocnumber} [ Night Bombardment Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Night_Bombardment_Doctrine) - [[ 2 ]{.tocnumber} [ First Strike ]{.toctext}](#First_Strike) - [[ 2.1 ]{.tocnumber} [ First Strike Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#First_Strike_Doctrine) - [[ 2.2 ]{.tocnumber} [ Dispersed Fighting Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Dispersed_Fighting_Doctrine) - [[ 2.3 ]{.tocnumber} [ Frontal Missions Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Frontal_Missions_Doctrine) - [[ 2.4 ]{.tocnumber} [ Fighter Veteran Initiative ]{.toctext}](#Fighter_Veteran_Initiative) - [[ 3 ]{.tocnumber} [ Perimeter Defence ]{.toctext}](#Perimeter_Defence) - [[ 3.1 ]{.tocnumber} [ Perimeter Defence Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Perimeter_Defence_Doctrine) - [[ 3.2 ]{.tocnumber} [ Formation Fighting Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Formation_Fighting_Doctrine) - [[ 3.3 ]{.tocnumber} [ Home Defence Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Home_Defence_Doctrine) - [[ 3.4 ]{.tocnumber} [ Recon Skirmisher Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Recon_Skirmisher_Doctrine) - [[ 3.5 ]{.tocnumber} [ Combat Unit Destruction Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Combat_Unit_Destruction_Doctrine) - [[ 3.6 ]{.tocnumber} [ Hunt & Destroy Groups Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Hunt_.26_Destroy_Groups_Doctrine) - [[ 3.7 ]{.tocnumber} [ Low Echelon CAS Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Low_Echelon_CAS_Doctrine) - [[ 3.8 ]{.tocnumber} [ Bomber Ace Initiative ]{.toctext}](#Bomber_Ace_Initiative) - [[ 3.9 ]{.tocnumber} [ Offensive Fighter Box doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Offensive_Fighter_Box_doctrine) - [[ 3.10 ]{.tocnumber} [ Fighter Baiting Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Fighter_Baiting_Doctrine) - [[ 3.11 ]{.tocnumber} [ Dogfight Experiment Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Dogfight_Experiment_Doctrine) - [[ 3.12 ]{.tocnumber} [ Fighter Ace Initiative ]{.toctext}](#Fighter_Ace_Initiative) - [[ 3.13 ]{.tocnumber} [ Infrastructure Destruction Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Infrastructure_Destruction_Doctrine) - [[ 3.14 ]{.tocnumber} [ Infiltration Bombardment Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Infiltration_Bombardment_Doctrine) - [[ 3.15 ]{.tocnumber} [ Carousel Bombardment Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Carousel_Bombardment_Doctrine) - [[ 3.16 ]{.tocnumber} [ Keypoint Bombardment Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Keypoint_Bombardment_Doctrine) - [[ 3.17 ]{.tocnumber} [ Defensive Fighter Box Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Defensive_Fighter_Box_Doctrine) - [[ 3.18 ]{.tocnumber} [ Multi-altitude Group Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Multi-altitude_Group_Doctrine) - [[ 3.19 ]{.tocnumber} [ Filter Room System Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Filter_Room_System_Doctrine) - [[ 3.20 ]{.tocnumber} [ Air Reserve Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Air_Reserve_Doctrine) - [[ 3.21 ]{.tocnumber} [ Mass Destruction Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Mass_Destruction_Doctrine) - [[ 3.22 ]{.tocnumber} [ Escort Relay System Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Escort_Relay_System_Doctrine) - [[ 3.23 ]{.tocnumber} [ Carpet Bombing Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Carpet_Bombing_Doctrine) - [[ 3.24 ]{.tocnumber} [ Flying Armada Doctrine ]{.toctext}](#Flying_Armada_Doctrine) ::: ## [ Air Superiority ]{#Air_Superiority .mw-headline} ### [ Air Superiority Doctrine ]{#Air_Superiority_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1936 | 5 - | | - Prerequisites: None | [![air | | - Effects: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/ | | ``` | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - max_organization interceptor | decoding="async" height="24" | | 2 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale interceptor 2 | width="2 | | - max_organization multi_role 2 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Morale multi_role 2 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - max_organization escort 2 | Tactical Unit - Wing | | - Morale escort 2 | | | - max_organization cag 2 | 5 - | | - Morale cag 2 | [![air | | - Enable Mission Type: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ground_attack | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | - Enable Mission Type: | file-width="24" | | interdiction | url="/ | | - Enable Mission Type: | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | naval_strike | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Enable Mission Type: | loading="lazy" | | logistical_strike | width="2 | | - Enable Mission Type: | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | strategic_bombardment | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - Enable Mission Type: | Combat Air Patrol Testing | | port_strike | | | - Enable Mission Type: | 5 - | | installation_strike | [![air | | - Enable Mission Type: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | runway_cratering | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | - Enable Mission Type: | file-width="24" | | convoy_air_raiding | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Bomb Run Testing | | | | | | 5 - | | | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ima | | | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/ | | | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | | Army Air Support | | | | | | 5 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Counter-Air Tactics | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Flying Circus Doctrine ]{#Flying_Circus_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1936 | 5 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | - [Air Superiority | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doc | loading="lazy" | | trine_Tech_Tree#Air_Superiority_D | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | All-metal Airframes | | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | 5 - | | ``` | [![air | | - Effects: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/ | | ``` | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - max_organization interceptor | decoding="async" height="24" | | 2 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale interceptor 2 | width="2 | | - max_organization multi_role 2 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Morale multi_role 2 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - max_organization escort 2 | Peacetime Training | | - Morale escort 2 | | | - max_organization cag 2 | 5 - | | - Morale cag 2 | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Extensive Performance Testing | | | | | | 5 - | | | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Small Unit Training | | | | | | 5 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Basic Flying Experience | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Force Substitution Doctrine ]{#Force_Substitution_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1936 | 5 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Air Superiority | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doc | decoding="async" height="24" | | trine_Tech_Tree#Air_Superiority_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | ```{=html} | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Tactical Unit - Flight | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 5 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url=" | | 2 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale interceptor 2 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 2 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 2 | width= | | - max_organization escort 2 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Morale escort 2 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 2 | Fighter Tactics | | - Morale cag 2 | | | | 5 - | | | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | | Specialized Gunsights | | | | | | 5 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Air Superiority Spirit | | | | | | 5 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Fighter Unit Specialization | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Battlefield Destruction Doctrine ]{#Battlefield_Destruction_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1936 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | - [Flying Circus | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine_Tech_Tree#Flying_Circus_D | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | - [Force Substitution | Small Bomb Bays | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctri | | | ne_Tech_Tree#Force_Substitution_D | 3 - | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | [![gener | | | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | ```{=html} | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/i | | - Effects: | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | ```{=html} | loading="lazy" | | <!-- --> | width="24" | | ``` | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | - max_organization cas 10 | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | - Morale cas 10 | Tank-Buster Bombs | | - Efficiency: ground_attack 0.5 | | | | 3 - | | | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ima | | | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/ | | | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | | Basic Forward Air Controllers | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Battlefield Air Support | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Fire-Brigade Spirit | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Dive Bombing Doctrine ]{#Dive_Bombing_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1937 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Battlefield Destruction | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Battlefield_Destruction_D | width="2 | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Early Precision Bomb Runs | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 3 - | | - Effects: | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | ```{=html} | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ima | | - max_organization cas 5 | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | - Morale cas 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/ | | | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | | Offensive Air Support | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Diving Ability | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Diving Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Close Air Support Spirit | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Direct Ground Support Doctrine ]{#Direct_Ground_Support_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1938 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | ```{=html} | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ima | | - [Battlefield Destruction | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Battlefield_Destruction_D | width="24"}](/ | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Early Frontline Air Controllers | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 3 - | | - Effects: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - max_organization cas 5 | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | - Morale cas 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Combat Support Patrols | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Emergency Service Spirit | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | | Early Specialized Bombsights | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![gener | | | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/i | | | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24" | | | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | | Basic Ground Attack Ordnance | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Bomber Veteran Initiative ]{#Bomber_Veteran_Initiative .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1938 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - [Battlefield Destruction | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | ch_Tree#Battlefield_Destruction_D | Moral Superiority Spirit | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | | | | 3 - | | ```{=html} | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | <!-- --> | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - Effects: | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | ```{=html} | decoding="async" height="24" | | <!-- --> | loading="lazy" | | ``` | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | - max_organization cas 5 | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | - Morale cas 5 | Bad Weather Adaptation | | - Snow Attack cas 10 | | | - Rain Attack cas 10 | 3 - | | - Snow Attack cag 10 | [![air | | - Rain Attack cag 10 | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Specialized Bombing Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Individual Aircraft Adaptation | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Ground Attack Tactics | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Night Strikes Doctrine ]{#Night_Strikes_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![chemistry](/images/1/1 | | | 9/Chemistry.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/1/19/Chemistry.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - [Dive Bombing | loading="lazy" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_ | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Che | | Doctrine_Tech_Tree#Dive_Bombing_D | mistry.png "chemistry"){.image} - | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | Very Early Bomb Illuminators | | - [Direct Ground Support | | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | 3 - | | Tech_Tree#Direct_Ground_Support_D | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | - [Bomber Veteran | file-width="24" | | Initiative](/wiki/Air_Doct | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | rine_Tech_Tree#Bomber_Veteran_Ini | decoding="async" height="24" | | tiative "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | ```{=html} | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Basic Night Bombsights | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 3 - | | | [![air | | ```{=html} | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | <!-- --> | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - Night Attack cas 10 | url="/ | | - Night Defence cas 50 | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - max_organization cas 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Morale cas 5 | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Basic Night Flying Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Night Flying Experience | | | | | | 3 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Small Air Unit Tactics | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Operational Destruction Doctrine ]{#Operational_Destruction_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1937 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![gener | | | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | ```{=html} | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/i | | - [Flying Circus | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_D | decoding="async" height="24" | | octrine_Tech_Tree#Flying_Circus_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24" | | - [Force Substitution | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctri | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | ne_Tech_Tree#Force_Substitution_D | Armor-penetration Bombs | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | | | | 3 - | | ```{=html} | [! | | <!-- --> | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ``` | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | - Effects: | file-width="24" | | | url= | | ```{=html} | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | <!-- --> | decoding="async" height="24" | | ``` | loading="lazy" | | - max_organization | widt | | tactical_bomber 10 | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | - Morale tactical_bomber 10 | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization naval_bomber | Carpet Bombing | | 10 | | | - Morale naval_bomber 10 | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Bombing Practise | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Early Air Campaign Management | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Medium Bomb Bays | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Battlefield Interdiction Doctrine ]{#Battlefield_Interdiction_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1938 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![decentralized_exe | | | cution](/images/0/0d/Decentralize | | ```{=html} | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/images/ | | - [Operational Destruction | 0/0d/Decentralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Operational_Destruction_D | width="24"}](/wiki/Fil | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | e:Decentralized_execution.png "de | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Opportunity Strike Co-ordination | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 3 - | | - Effects: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - max_organization | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | tactical_bomber 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Morale tactical_bomber 5 | loading="lazy" | | - max_organization naval_bomber | width="2 | | 5 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Morale naval_bomber 5 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - Enable Mission Type: | Interdiction Patrols | | airborne_assault | | | - Efficiency: airborne_assault | 3 - | | 0.3 | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Airborne Assault Tactics | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ima | | | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/ | | | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | | Airborne Landing Techniques | | | | | | 3 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Logistical Strike Tactics | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Strafing Doctrine ]{#Strafing_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1938 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![gener | | | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | ```{=html} | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/i | | - [Operational Destruction | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Operational_Destruction_D | width="24" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Armor-penetration Ammunition | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 3 - | | - Effects: | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | - max_organization | decoding="async" height="24" | | tactical_bomber 5 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale tactical_bomber 5 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | - max_organization naval_bomber | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | 5 | Large Ammunition Storage | | - Morale naval_bomber 5 | | | - Efficiency: interdiction 0.5 | 3 - | | - Efficiency: naval_strike 0.5 | [![air | | - Efficiency: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | convoy_air_raiding 0.5 | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Strafing Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Armored Fuselage | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Multiple Bomb Runs | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Logistical Strike Doctrine ]{#Logistical_Strike_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1938 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - [Operational Destruction | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Operational_Destruction_D | widt | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Logistical Hub Bombing | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 3 - | | - Effects: | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | ```{=html} | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/image | | - max_organization | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | tactical_bomber 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Morale tactical_bomber 5 | loading="lazy" | | - max_organization naval_bomber | width="24"}](/wiki | | 5 | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | - Morale naval_bomber 5 | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | - Efficiency: logistical_strike | Line of Communication | | 0.5 | Interdiction | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Basic Precision Bombing Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![gener | | | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/i | | | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24" | | | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | | Early Airdropped Mines | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Area Interdiction | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Night Strafing Doctrine ]{#Night_Strafing_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - [Battlefield Interdiction | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Tec | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | h_Tree#Battlefield_Interdiction_D | Early Night Gunsight | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | | | - [Strafing | 3 - | | Doctrine](/wiki/ | [![chemistry](/images/1/1 | | Air_Doctrine_Tech_Tree#Strafing_D | 9/Chemistry.png){file-height="24" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | file-width="24" | | - [Logistical Strike | url="/images/1/19/Chemistry.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctr | decoding="async" height="24" | | ine_Tech_Tree#Logistical_Strike_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Che | | | mistry.png "chemistry"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Basic Ground Illumination | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 3 - | | - Effects: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - Night Attack tactical_bomber | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Night Defence tactical_bomber | loading="lazy" | | 50 | width="2 | | - Night Attack naval_bomber 10 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Night Defence naval_bomber 50 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - max_organization | Night Strafing Training | | tactical_bomber 5 | | | - Morale tactical_bomber 5 | 3 - | | - max_organization naval_bomber | [![gener | | 5 | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | - Morale naval_bomber 5 | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/i | | | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24" | | | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | | Tracer Ammunition | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Night Air Superiority Spirit | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Strategic Destruction Doctrine ]{#Strategic_Destruction_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1937 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - [Flying Circus | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_D | decoding="async" height="24" | | octrine_Tech_Tree#Flying_Circus_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | widt | | - [Force Substitution | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctri | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | ne_Tech_Tree#Force_Substitution_D | Early Massed Bomb Run Tactics | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | | | | 3 - | | ```{=html} | [![air | | <!-- --> | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ``` | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | - Effects: | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | ```{=html} | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | <!-- --> | decoding="async" height="24" | | ``` | loading="lazy" | | - max_organization | width="2 | | strategic_bomber 10 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Morale strategic_bomber 10 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - max_organization | Defensive Bomber Formations | | transport_plane 10 | | | - Morale transport_plane 10 | 3 - | | - Efficiency: | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | strategic_bombardment 0.5 | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | | High-altitude Bombsights | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Large Bomb Bays | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Area Target Bombing | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Escort Box System Doctrine ]{#Escort_Box_System_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1938 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - [Strategic Destruction | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Tech_Tree#Strategic_Destruction_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | ```{=html} | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Bomber Escort Tactics | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 3 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization | url=" | | strategic_bomber 5 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale strategic_bomber 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization | loading="lazy" | | transport_plane 5 | width= | | - Morale transport_plane 5 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Cost escort -2 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Escort Tactics Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | External Fuel Tanks | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Early Fighter Suppression Spirit | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Bomber-Escort Coordination | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Combat-Bombardment Groups Doctrine ]{#Combat-Bombardment_Groups_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | ```{=html} | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ima | | - [Strategic Destruction | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Tech_Tree#Strategic_Destruction_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24"}](/ | | | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | ```{=html} | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Combined Command Net | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 3 - | | | [! | | ```{=html} | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | <!-- --> | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization | url= | | strategic_bomber 5 | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | - Morale strategic_bomber 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization | loading="lazy" | | transport_plane 5 | widt | | - Morale transport_plane 5 | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Basic Carpet Bombing Tactics | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | | Low-altitude Bombsights | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Early AA Suppression | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Combat Bombing Spirit | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Dead Reckoning Bombardment Doctrine ]{#Dead_Reckoning_Bombardment_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | - [Strategic Destruction | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | loading="lazy" | | Tech_Tree#Strategic_Destruction_D | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | Precise Navigation Instruments | | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | 3 - | | ``` | [![air | | - Effects: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/ | | ``` | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - max_organization | decoding="async" height="24" | | strategic_bomber 5 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale strategic_bomber 5 | width="2 | | - max_organization | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | transport_plane 5 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - Morale transport_plane 5 | Navigator Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Preset Coordinate Bombing | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Early AA Evasion | | | | | | 3 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Tactical Unit - Bomber Flight | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Night Bombardment Doctrine ]{#Night_Bombardment_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 3 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - [Escort Box System | loading="lazy" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctr | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | ine_Tech_Tree#Escort_Box_System_D | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | Night Bombsights | | - [Combat-Bombardment Groups | | | | 3 - | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Tech | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | _Tree#Combat-Bombardment_Groups_D | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | file-width="24" | | - [Dead Reckoning Bombardment | u | | D | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | octrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Tech_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Tree#Dead_Reckoning_Bombardment_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Pathfinder Planes | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 3 - | | - Effects: | [![chemistry](/images/1/1 | | | 9/Chemistry.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/1/19/Chemistry.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Night Attack strategic_bomber | loading="lazy" | | 10 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Che | | - Night Defence | mistry.png "chemistry"){.image} - | | strategic_bomber 50 | Improved Ground Illuminators | | - max_organization | | | strategic_bomber 5 | 3 - | | - Morale strategic_bomber 5 | [![air | | - max_organization | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | transport_plane 5 | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | - Morale transport_plane 5 | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Night Bombing Training | | | | | | 3 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Pre-planned Bomb Runs | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ## [ First Strike ]{#First_Strike .mw-headline} ### [ First Strike Doctrine ]{#First_Strike_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: None | [![centralized_e | | - Effects: | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/image | | ``` | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | - Night Attack interceptor 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Night Attack multi_role 5 | loading="lazy" | | - max_organization interceptor | width="24"}](/wiki | | 3 | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | - Morale interceptor 3 | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | Enemy Air Force Suppression | | - Morale multi_role 3 | Tactics | | - max_organization escort 3 | | | - Morale escort 3 | 4 - | | - max_organization cag 3 | [![centralized_e | | - Morale cag 3 | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Frontline Airspace Domination | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | Early Fighter Radar Guidance | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Fighter Patrol Tactics | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Unimpeded Air Superiority Spirit | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Dispersed Fighting Doctrine ]{#Dispersed_Fighting_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![decentralized_exe | | | cution](/images/0/0d/Decentralize | | ```{=html} | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/images/ | | - [First Strike | 0/0d/Decentralized_execution.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine_Tech_Tree#First_Strike_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24"}](/wiki/Fil | | | e:Decentralized_execution.png "de | | ```{=html} | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Forward Air Commands | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url=" | | 3 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale interceptor 3 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 3 | width= | | - max_organization escort 3 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Morale escort 3 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 3 | Individual Fighter Sweeps | | - Morale cag 3 | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Frontline Field Airbase Use | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Rough Landing and Take-off | | | Capability | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Dispersed Fighting Training | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Frontal Missions Doctrine ]{#Frontal_Missions_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | ```{=html} | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url=" | | - [First Strike | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine_Tech_Tree#First_Strike_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | ```{=html} | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Frontline Air Patrols | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | ```{=html} | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | u | | - max_organization interceptor | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | 3 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Morale interceptor 3 | loading="lazy" | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | - Morale multi_role 3 | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | - max_organization escort 3 | Army-Airforce Radio-net | | - Morale escort 3 | | | - max_organization cag 3 | 4 - | | - Morale cag 3 | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | On-call Fighter Flights | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ima | | | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/ | | | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | | Close Fighter Cover | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Fighter Sweep Training | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Fighter Veteran Initiative ]{#Fighter_Veteran_Initiative .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | - [First Strike | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_ | loading="lazy" | | Doctrine_Tech_Tree#First_Strike_D | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Rough Weather Capability | | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | 4 - | | ``` | [![air | | - Effects: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/ | | ``` | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - max_organization interceptor | decoding="async" height="24" | | 3 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale interceptor 3 | width="2 | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Morale multi_role 3 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - max_organization escort 3 | Rough Weather Training | | - Morale escort 3 | | | - max_organization cag 3 | 4 - | | - Morale cag 3 | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | - Snow Attack interceptor 5 | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | - Rain Attack interceptor 5 | file-width="24" | | - Snow Attack multi_role 10 | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | - Rain Attack multi_role 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Snow Attack cag 10 | loading="lazy" | | - Rain Attack cag 10 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Individual Training Spirit | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Fighter Unit Specialization | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | | All-weather Gunsights | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ## [ Perimeter Defence ]{#Perimeter_Defence .mw-headline} ### [ Perimeter Defence Doctrine ]{#Perimeter_Defence_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: None | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | - Effects: | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | ```{=html} | u | | <!-- --> | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Night Defence escort 50 | loading="lazy" | | - Night Defence multi_role 25 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | - max_organization interceptor | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | 3 | Pre-set Radar Fighter Guidance | | - Morale interceptor 3 | | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | 4 - | | - Morale multi_role 3 | [![air | | - max_organization escort 3 | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | - Morale escort 3 | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | - max_organization cag 3 | file-width="24" | | - Morale cag 3 | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Forward Air Controller Training | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Individual Fighter Guidance | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![decentralized_exe | | | cution](/images/0/0d/Decentralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/ | | | 0/0d/Decentralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/Fil | | | e:Decentralized_execution.png "de | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Specialized Area Defense Tactics | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Fighter Unit Coordination | | | Training | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Formation Fighting Doctrine ]{#Formation_Fighting_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1939 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![large_u | | | nit_tactics](/images/1/1d/Large_u | | ```{=html} | nit_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/im | | - [Perimeter Defence | ages/1/1d/Large_unit_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctr | decoding="async" height="24" | | ine_Tech_Tree#Perimeter_Defence_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24"}] | | | (/wiki/ | | ```{=html} | g "large_unit_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Close Escort Tactics | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url=" | | 3 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale interceptor 3 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 3 | width= | | - max_organization escort 3 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Morale escort 3 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 3 | Multiple Wing Coordination | | - Morale cag 3 | | | - Cost escort -10 | 4 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Pre-planned Air Missions | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Formation Flying | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Extensive Flying Testing | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Home Defence Doctrine ]{#Home_Defence_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1940 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | ```{=html} | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/image | | - [Perimeter Defence | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctr | decoding="async" height="24" | | ine_Tech_Tree#Perimeter_Defence_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | ```{=html} | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Centralized Fighter Coordination | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url=" | | 3 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale interceptor 3 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 3 | width= | | - max_organization escort 3 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Morale escort 3 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 3 | Basic Fighter Concentration | | - Morale cag 3 | | | | 4 - | | | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | Basic Radar-guided Interception | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Coordinated Interception Training | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Area Defense Training | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Recon Skirmisher Doctrine ]{#Recon_Skirmisher_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1940 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | ```{=html} | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url=" | | - [Perimeter Defence | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctr | decoding="async" height="24" | | ine_Tech_Tree#Perimeter_Defence_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | ```{=html} | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Combat Reconnaisance Tactics | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![air | | ```{=html} | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | <!-- --> | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url="/ | | 3 | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - Morale interceptor 3 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 3 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 3 | width="2 | | - max_organization escort 3 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Morale escort 3 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 3 | Opportunity Strike Tactics | | - Morale cag 3 | | | | 4 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Large Area Fighter Coordination | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Combat Reconnaisance Planes | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Chance Encounter Training | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Combat Unit Destruction Doctrine ]{#Combat_Unit_Destruction_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1941 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Night Strikes | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_D | decoding="async" height="24" | | octrine_Tech_Tree#Night_Strikes_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | ```{=html} | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Troop Concentration Bombing | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [! | | ```{=html} | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | <!-- --> | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization cas 10 | url= | | - Morale cas 10 | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | HQ Destruction Attacks | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Basic AA Evasion | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Combat Unit Suppression | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![decentralized_exe | | | cution](/images/0/0d/Decentralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/ | | | 0/0d/Decentralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/Fil | | | e:Decentralized_execution.png "de | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Regional Airstrike Command | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ ]{#Hunt_&_Destroy_Groups_Doctrine} [ Hunt & Destroy Groups Doctrine ]{#Hunt_.26_Destroy_Groups_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1941 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - [Combat Unit Destruction | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Combat_Unit_Destruction_D | widt | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Frontline Combat Air Patrol | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 4 - | | - Effects: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - max_organization cas 10 | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - Morale cas 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Cost cas -10 | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Opportunity Strikes Doctrine | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Area Bombing Campaigns | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ima | | | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/ | | | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | | Coordinated Offensive Bombing | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Extreme-range Artillery Spirit | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Low Echelon CAS Doctrine ]{#Low_Echelon_CAS_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![combined_ | | | arms_focus](/images/f/f8/Combined | | ```{=html} | _arms_focus.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ima | | - [Combat Unit Destruction | ges/f/f8/Combined_arms_focus.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Combat_Unit_Destruction_D | width="24"}](/ | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | wiki/File:Combined_arms_focus.png | | | "combined_arms_focus"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Division-attached Air Support | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 4 - | | - Effects: | [![decentralized_exe | | | cution](/images/0/0d/Decentralize | | ```{=html} | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/images/ | | - max_organization cas 10 | 0/0d/Decentralized_execution.png" | | - Morale cas 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Cost cas -10 | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/Fil | | | e:Decentralized_execution.png "de | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Local Air Operations | | | | | | 4 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Basic Small-scale Bombruns | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Coordinated Air-Land Operations | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | CAS Training | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Bomber Ace Initiative ]{#Bomber_Ace_Initiative .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Combat Unit Destruction | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Te | loading="lazy" | | ch_Tree#Combat_Unit_Destruction_D | width="2 | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Individual Training | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 4 - | | - Effects: | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization cas 10 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale cas 10 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | - Cost cas -10 | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | - Snow Attack cas 10 | Individual Morale Superiority | | - Rain Attack cas 10 | | | - Snow Attack cag 10 | 4 - | | - Rain Attack cag 10 | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Long-time Unit Cohesion | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Specialized Bombers | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Tutor Replacement Integration | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Offensive Fighter Box doctrine ]{#Offensive_Fighter_Box_doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | ```{=html} | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url=" | | - [Dispersed Fighting | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctri | decoding="async" height="24" | | ne_Tech_Tree#Dispersed_Fighting_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width= | | - [Frontal Missions | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doct | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | rine_Tech_Tree#Frontal_Missions_D | Offensive Fighter Tactics | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | | | - [Fighter Veteran | 4 - | | Initiative](/wiki/Air_Doctr | [![f | | ine_Tech_Tree#Fighter_Veteran_Ini | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | tiative "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | ```{=html} | url=" | | <!-- --> | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Effects: | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | ```{=html} | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | <!-- --> | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | ``` | Basic Fighter Concentration | | - max_organization interceptor | | | 5 | 4 - | | - Morale interceptor 5 | [![decentralized_exe | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | cution](/images/0/0d/Decentralize | | - Morale multi_role 5 | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | - max_organization escort 5 | file-width="24" | | - Morale escort 5 | url="/images/ | | - max_organization cag 5 | 0/0d/Decentralized_execution.png" | | - Morale cag 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/Fil | | | e:Decentralized_execution.png "de | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Forward Air Controlling | | | Facilities | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | External Fuel Tanks | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Fighter Suppression Training | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Fighter Baiting Doctrine ]{#Fighter_Baiting_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1943 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | ```{=html} | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url=" | | - [Offensive Fighter Box | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Tech_Tree#Offensive_Fighter_Box_d | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | ```{=html} | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Flying Ambush Tactic | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url=" | | 5 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale interceptor 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 5 | width= | | - max_organization escort 5 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Morale escort 5 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 5 | Bait Execution | | - Morale cag 5 | | | - Cost interceptor -10 | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Enemy Intelligence Suppression | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | Long-range Radar Detection | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Preplanned Missions | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Dogfight Experiment Doctrine ]{#Dogfight_Experiment_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1943 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Offensive Fighter Box | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Tech_Tree#Offensive_Fighter_Box_d | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | ```{=html} | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Improved Dogfighting Training | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url=" | | 5 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale interceptor 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 5 | width= | | - max_organization escort 5 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Morale escort 5 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 5 | Improved Anti-Fighter Combat | | - Morale cag 5 | | | - Cost interceptor -10 | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Wind Tunnel Testing | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | | Dogfight Gunsights | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Dogfight Preparation Tactics | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Fighter Ace Initiative ]{#Fighter_Ace_Initiative .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1943 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - [Offensive Fighter Box | loading="lazy" | | doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | Tech_Tree#Offensive_Fighter_Box_d | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | Ace Fighting Experience | | | | | ```{=html} | 4 - | | <!-- --> | [![air | | ``` | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | - Effects: | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | ```{=html} | url="/ | | <!-- --> | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | loading="lazy" | | 5 | width="2 | | - Morale interceptor 5 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - Morale multi_role 5 | Specialized Units | | - max_organization escort 5 | | | - Morale escort 5 | 4 - | | - max_organization cag 5 | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | - Morale cag 5 | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | - Cost interceptor -10 | file-width="24" | | - Snow Attack interceptor 5 | u | | - Rain Attack interceptor 5 | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | - Snow Attack multi_role 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Rain Attack multi_role 10 | loading="lazy" | | - Snow Attack cag 10 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | - Rain Attack cag 10 | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Individual Fighters | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Long-time Unit Cohesion | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Tutor Replacement Integration | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Infrastructure Destruction Doctrine ]{#Infrastructure_Destruction_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1941 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Night Strafing | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Do | decoding="async" height="24" | | ctrine_Tech_Tree#Night_Strafing_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | ```{=html} | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Refined Precision Bombing | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [! | | ```{=html} | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | <!-- --> | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization | url= | | tactical_bomber 10 | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | - Morale tactical_bomber 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization naval_bomber | loading="lazy" | | 10 | widt | | - Morale naval_bomber 10 | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | - Efficiency: port_strike 0.5 | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | - Efficiency: | Transport Hub Strikes | | installation_strike 0.5 | | | - Efficiency: runway_cratering | 4 - | | 0.5 | [![gener | | | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/i | | | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24" | | | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | | Airdropped Mines | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Large-scale Bombing Campaigns | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Low-altitude Bomb Runs | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Infiltration Bombardment Doctrine ]{#Infiltration_Bombardment_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - [Infrastructure Destruction | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | D | decoding="async" height="24" | | octrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Tech_ | loading="lazy" | | Tree#Infrastructure_Destruction_D | widt | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Lightning Strikes | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 4 - | | - Effects: | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | - max_organization | decoding="async" height="24" | | tactical_bomber 10 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale tactical_bomber 10 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | - max_organization naval_bomber | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | 10 | Precision Navigation Instruments | | - Morale naval_bomber 10 | | | - Cost tactical_bomber -10 | 4 - | | - Cost naval_bomber -5 | [![air | | - Efficiency: airborne_assault | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | 0.1 | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Sophisticated Navigator Training | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Exact Mission Execution | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Low-altitude Radar Evasion | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Carousel Bombardment Doctrine ]{#Carousel_Bombardment_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | ```{=html} | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/image | | - [Infrastructure Destruction | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | D | decoding="async" height="24" | | octrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Tech_ | loading="lazy" | | Tree#Infrastructure_Destruction_D | width="24"}](/wiki | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Large-scale Mission Planning | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 4 - | | - Effects: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - max_organization | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | tactical_bomber 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Morale tactical_bomber 10 | loading="lazy" | | - max_organization naval_bomber | width="2 | | 10 | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | - Morale naval_bomber 10 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - Cost tactical_bomber -10 | Permanent Occupation Bombing | | - Cost naval_bomber -5 | Campaign | | - Efficiency: airborne_assault | | | 0.1 | 4 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Small Bomber Strikes | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Round-the-clock Bombing Spirit | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | AA Suppression | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Keypoint Bombardment Doctrine ]{#Keypoint_Bombardment_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1943 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Infrastructure Destruction | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | D | decoding="async" height="24" | | octrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_Tech_ | loading="lazy" | | Tree#Infrastructure_Destruction_D | width="2 | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | ```{=html} | Precision Bomb Runs | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 4 - | | - Effects: | [![mechanics](/images/a/a | | | 1/Mechanics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/a/a1/Mechanics.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization | loading="lazy" | | tactical_bomber 10 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Mec | | - Morale tactical_bomber 10 | hanics.png "mechanics"){.image} - | | - max_organization naval_bomber | Precision Bombsights | | 10 | | | - Morale naval_bomber 10 | 4 - | | - Cost tactical_bomber -10 | [![gener | | - Cost naval_bomber -5 | al_equipment](/images/2/20/Genera | | - Efficiency: airborne_assault | l_equipment.png){file-height="24" | | 0.1 | file-width="24" | | | url="/i | | | mages/2/20/General_equipment.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24" | | | }](/wiki/File:General_equipment.p | | | ng "general_equipment"){.image} - | | | Deep-penetration Bombs | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Hit-and-run Spirit | | | | | | 4 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Small-scale Bomb Runs | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Defensive Fighter Box Doctrine ]{#Defensive_Fighter_Box_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | ```{=html} | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/image | | - [Formation Fighting | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctri | decoding="async" height="24" | | ne_Tech_Tree#Formation_Fighting_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="24"}](/wiki | | - [Home Defence | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_ | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | Doctrine_Tech_Tree#Home_Defence_D | Area Fighter Coordination | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | | | - [Recon Skirmisher | 4 - | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doct | [![f | | rine_Tech_Tree#Recon_Skirmisher_D | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | ```{=html} | url=" | | <!-- --> | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - Effects: | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | ```{=html} | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | <!-- --> | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | ``` | Defensive Fighter Tactics | | - max_organization interceptor | | | 5 | 4 - | | - Morale interceptor 5 | [![air | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | - Morale multi_role 5 | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | - max_organization escort 5 | file-width="24" | | - Morale escort 5 | url="/ | | - max_organization cag 5 | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - Morale cag 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Fighter-AA Coordination | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Fighter Concentration | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | IFF System | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Multi-altitude Group Doctrine ]{#Multi-altitude_Group_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![f | | | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | ```{=html} | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url=" | | - [Defensive Fighter Box | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Tech_Tree#Defensive_Fighter_Box_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | ```{=html} | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Multi-layered Fighter Defense | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![f | | ```{=html} | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | <!-- --> | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization interceptor | url=" | | 5 | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | - Morale interceptor 5 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale multi_role 5 | width= | | - max_organization escort 5 | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | - Morale escort 5 | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | - max_organization cag 5 | Massed Fighter Sweeps | | - Morale cag 5 | | | - Cost multi_role -10 | 4 - | | - Cost escort -5 | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Large Group Tactics | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | No Penetration Spirit | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Altitude-adapted Fighters | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Filter Room System Doctrine ]{#Filter_Room_System_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1943 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | - [Defensive Fighter Box | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | loading="lazy" | | Tech_Tree#Defensive_Fighter_Box_D | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | Multi-layer Radar Coverage | | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | 4 - | | ``` | [![centralized_e | | - Effects: | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/image | | ``` | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | - max_organization interceptor | decoding="async" height="24" | | 5 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale interceptor 5 | width="24"}](/wiki | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | - Morale multi_role 5 | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | - max_organization escort 5 | Fighter Command HQ | | - Morale escort 5 | | | - max_organization cag 5 | 4 - | | - Morale cag 5 | [![f | | - Cost multi_role -10 | ighter_tactics](/images/8/8a/Figh | | - Cost escort -5 | ter_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url=" | | | /images/8/8a/Fighter_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width= | | | "24"}](/wiki/File:Fighter_tactics | | | .png "fighter_tactics"){.image} - | | | Multi-stage Fighter Defense | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Unit Coordination Training | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | Filter Room Radio-net | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Air Reserve Doctrine ]{#Air_Reserve_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1943 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | ```{=html} | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/ | | - [Defensive Fighter Box | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctrine_ | decoding="async" height="24" | | Tech_Tree#Defensive_Fighter_Box_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | ```{=html} | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Alert Fighter Wings | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | ```{=html} | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | - max_organization interceptor | decoding="async" height="24" | | 5 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale interceptor 5 | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | - max_organization multi_role 5 | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | - Morale multi_role 5 | Last-defense Spirit | | - max_organization escort 5 | | | - Morale escort 5 | 4 - | | - max_organization cag 5 | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | - Morale cag 5 | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | - Cost multi_role -10 | file-width="24" | | - Cost escort -5 | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Accelerated Take-off Capability | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Interception Training | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Fighter Wing Coordination | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Mass Destruction Doctrine ]{#Mass_Destruction_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - [Night Bombardment | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doctr | decoding="async" height="24" | | ine_Tech_Tree#Night_Bombardment_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | ```{=html} | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Troop Concentration Bombing | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [! | | ```{=html} | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | <!-- --> | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization | url= | | strategic_bomber 10 | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | - Morale strategic_bomber 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization | loading="lazy" | | transport_plane 10 | widt | | - Morale transport_plane 10 | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Massed Bomb Run Coordination | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![aeronautics](/images/a/a1/ | | | Aeronautics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | u | | | rl="/images/a/a1/Aeronautics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Aeronau | | | tics.png "aeronautics"){.image} - | | | Enhanced Bomber Payload | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Frontline Bombing | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Centralized Bomber Co-ordination | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Escort Relay System Doctrine ]{#Escort_Relay_System_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![electronics](/images/d/dd/ | | | Electronics.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | u | | ``` | rl="/images/d/dd/Electronics.png" | | - [Mass Destruction | decoding="async" height="24" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doct | loading="lazy" | | rine_Tech_Tree#Mass_Destruction_D | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Electro | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | nics.png "electronics"){.image} - | | | Bomber-Escort Radio-net | | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | 4 - | | ``` | [![air | | - Effects: | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/ | | ``` | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | - max_organization | decoding="async" height="24" | | strategic_bomber 10 | loading="lazy" | | - Morale strategic_bomber 10 | width="2 | | - max_organization | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | transport_plane 10 | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | - Morale transport_plane 10 | Escort-handover Training | | - Cost strategic_bomber -10 | | | - Cost escort -10 | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Superior Tactics Spirit | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Bomber Stream Practise | | | | | | 4 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Massed Bomber Tactics | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Carpet Bombing Doctrine ]{#Carpet_Bombing_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1942 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | ```{=html} | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | <!-- --> | file-width="24" | | ``` | url= | | - [Mass Destruction | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doct | decoding="async" height="24" | | rine_Tech_Tree#Mass_Destruction_D | loading="lazy" | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | ```{=html} | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | <!-- --> | Bomber Stream Tactics | | ``` | | | - Effects: | 4 - | | | [! | | ```{=html} | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | <!-- --> | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | ``` | file-width="24" | | - max_organization | url= | | strategic_bomber 10 | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | - Morale strategic_bomber 10 | decoding="async" height="24" | | - max_organization | loading="lazy" | | transport_plane 10 | widt | | - Morale transport_plane 10 | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | - Cost strategic_bomber -10 | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Massed Bomb Runs | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Area Carpet Bombing | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![air | | | craft_testing](/images/8/87/Aircr | | | aft_testing.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/ | | | images/8/87/Aircraft_testing.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="2 | | | 4"}](/wiki/File:Aircraft_testing. | | | png "aircraft_testing"){.image} - | | | Large Unit Training | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | | Refined Defensive Bomber | | | Coordination | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ### [ Flying Armada Doctrine ]{#Flying_Armada_Doctrine .mw-headline} +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | - Historic Year: 1943 | 4 - | | - Prerequisites: | [![piloting](/images/6/ | | | 6b/Piloting.png){file-height="24" | | ```{=html} | file-width="24" | | <!-- --> | url="/images/6/6b/Piloting.png" | | ``` | decoding="async" height="24" | | - [Mass Destruction | loading="lazy" | | Doctrine](/wiki/Air_Doct | width="24"}](/wiki/File:P | | rine_Tech_Tree#Mass_Destruction_D | iloting.png "piloting"){.image} - | | octrine "Air Doctrine Tech Tree") | Invincible Superiority Spirit | | | | | ```{=html} | 4 - | | <!-- --> | [![artillery](/images/d/d | | ``` | 8/Artillery.png){file-height="24" | | - Effects: | file-width="24" | | | url="/images/d/d8/Artillery.png" | | ```{=html} | decoding="async" height="24" | | <!-- --> | loading="lazy" | | ``` | width="24"}](/wiki/File:Art | | - max_organization | illery.png "artillery"){.image} - | | strategic_bomber 10 | Massed Defensive Armaments | | - Morale strategic_bomber 10 | | | - max_organization | 4 - | | transport_plane 10 | [! | | - Morale transport_plane 10 | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | - Cost strategic_bomber -10 | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Massed Bomber Campaigns | | | | | | 4 - | | | [! | | | [bomber_tactics](/images/2/26/Bom | | | ber_tactics.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url= | | | "/images/2/26/Bomber_tactics.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | widt | | | h="24"}](/wiki/File:Bomber_tactic | | | s.png "bomber_tactics"){.image} - | | | Refined Bomber Stream Tactics | | | | | | 4 - | | | [![centralized_e | | | xecution](/images/b/bc/Centralize | | | d_execution.png){file-height="24" | | | file-width="24" | | | url="/image | | | s/b/bc/Centralized_execution.png" | | | decoding="async" height="24" | | | loading="lazy" | | | width="24"}](/wiki | | | /File:Centralized_execution.png " | | | centralized_execution"){.image} - | | | Bomber Command HQ | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ :::