--- title: Battleship --- ::: mw-parser-output [Template:ARMA v1.2](/wiki/index.php?title=Template:ARMA_v1.2&action=edit&redlink=1 "Template:ARMA v1.2 (page does not exist)"){.new} The Battleship is the Queen of the Sea. It is a massive floating gun platform, designed primarily to engage enemy capital ships at long range and send them to the bottom of the ocean. However, they are now vulnerable to air or submarine torpedo attacks, and the advent of the Aircraft Carrier has started to number their days. ## [ Battleship Statistics ]{#Battleship_Statistics .mw-headline} ---------------------------- ------ -------- ------ -------- -------- ----- --------- ---------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ------ --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- Model Year Air Air Sea Sub Sea Shore Distance Visi-\ Surface Sub Air Cost Build-\ Man-\ Max Supply Fuel Range Attack Def. Attack Attack Def Bombard bility Detect Detect Detect time power Speed Cons. Cons. Great War Battleship 1936 1 1 14 0 12 6 0.32 90 1 1 1 7.0 730 1.0 15 0.70 1.00 2500 Early Battleship 1936 1 1 16 0 14 8 0.34 90 1 2 1 8.0 730 1.0 20 0.70 1.00 2800 Basic Battleship 1936 2 2 18 0 16 10 0.34 90 1 2 1 9.0 730 1.0 20 0.80 1.00 3000 Improved Battleship 1936 3 4 21 0 19 11 0.36 90 1 2 2 10.0 730 2.0 25 0.80 1.00 3500 Advanced Battleship 1941 4 6 24 0 22 12 0.38 90 1 2 2 12.0 730 2.0 27 0.90 1.00 4000 Semi-Modern Battleship 1945 5 8 26 1 24 14 0.38 90 1 2 2 14.0 740 2.0 28 1.00 1.00 4000 Super-Heavy Battleship 1938 3 5 28 0 27 14 0.38 95 1 2 2 16.0 760 2.0 24 1.00 1.50 3500 Nuclear Battleship 1945 6 9 28 1 26 14 0.38 90 1 3 2 16.0 790 2.0 30 2.50 0.00 8000 Adv Super-Heavy Battleship 1945 4 6 38 0 32 18 0.40 95 1 2 2 16.0 760 2.0 24 1.20 1.50 4500 Modern Battleship 1948 6 9 28 1 26 14 0.38 90 1 3 2 15.0 760 2.0 30 1.00 1.00 4500 ---------------------------- ------ -------- ------ -------- -------- ----- --------- ---------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ------ --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ## [ Brigades allowed ]{#Brigades_allowed .mw-headline} - [Anti-Air](/wiki/index.php?title=Anti-Air_(naval_brigade)&action=edit&redlink=1 "Anti-Air (naval brigade) (page does not exist)"){.new} - [Fire Control](/wiki/index.php?title=Fire_Control_(naval_brigade)&action=edit&redlink=1 "Fire Control (naval brigade) (page does not exist)"){.new} - [Improved Hull](/wiki/index.php?title=Improved_Hull_(naval_brigade)&action=edit&redlink=1 "Improved Hull (naval brigade) (page does not exist)"){.new} - [Radar](/wiki/index.php?title=Radar_(naval_brigade)&action=edit&redlink=1 "Radar (naval brigade) (page does not exist)"){.new} - [Torpedoes](/wiki/index.php?title=Torpedoes_(naval_brigade)&action=edit&redlink=1 "Torpedoes (naval brigade) (page does not exist)"){.new} ## [ Notes ]{#Notes .mw-headline} - A battleship is considered a capital ship. - Battleships can hold up to 5 brigades. - All battleships have a base org and morale of 30. :::