Event Commands
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- AND - this operator tests whether all of the trigger conditions within { }s after it are satisfied. This is the default operator used by the trigger statement, and is therefore not necessary to include.
- OR - this operator tests whether one or more of the trigger conditions within { }s after it are satisfied.
- NOT - this operator inverts the evaluation
of the trigger conditions within { }s after it.
- NOT with multiple trigger conditions acts as NOR (NOT OR), there is no need to place multiple conditions inside a separate OR trigger. A single of the multiple trigger conditions met would result in a False , preventing an event from firing.
- NOT with multiple trigger conditions inside an additional AND trigger acts as NAND (NOT AND). All of the multiple trigger conditions have to be met to prevent an event from firing.
Basic Event Parameters
- id = [event id] - this event has a unique identification number [event id], which is used by the game and which may be referred to by other events.
- country = [country tag] - this event applies to the country specified. Unless specified below, all events must have country tags.
- name = X / "X" - if X is a quoted string ("like this"), the text between the quotes will be used as the event title. Otherwise, the game will search in the file "/config/*.csv" for a match, scan for the string corresponding to the correct language, and use this string as the event title. This method allows translations to multiple languages and is recommended for finished work. Be careful not to make this string too long.
- desc = X / "X" - same rules, except that the smaller text below the title is affected. There are various text formatting commands that you may use; see the file "/db/events/event commands.txt" and usage examples in "/config/event_text.csv".
- date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1937 } - this event cannot fire before January 1st (days start at zero), 1937.
- deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1960 } - This event cannot fire after December 30th, 1960.
- offset = X - the trigger conditions will be tested every X days. More precisely, the game keeps a time passed clock (which appears to be randomly reset on a reload): if the time "passed" value divided by "offset" equals one, the trigger conditions will be tested.
- persistent = yes [/no] - this event is not slept after firing. If the trigger conditions continue to be satisfied it will fire repeatedly.
- random = yes [/no] - this event uses a hard-coded randomized event system. It applies to all nations - you need not use a "country = X" line. As of HOI2 1.3b / DD 1.2, this condition is not recommended for use because it is reset every time the game is reloaded (you cannot control true frequency) and also because there is no information on how it works precisely or how frequently events using it are supposed to happen in theory.
- invention = yes [/no] - this event uses a different hard-coded randomized event system, which should (probably) not be used for anything other than inventions. It applies to all nations: you need not use a "country = X" line. Frequency is controlled by the "mean number of "invention" events occuring per year" line at the end of "/db/misc.txt". Frequency is also (probably) save-and-reload-dependent.
- picture = "[picture name without .bmp]" - include the specified picture from the "/gfx/event_pics/" directory.
- style = 0 - this is used by other paradox games based on the eu2 system, but apparently makes no difference for HoI2. It is still included in most events for some reason.
Trigger Conditions
- event = X - tests whether the event with the id X has fired.
- random = X - has an X percentage chance of being satisfied each time it is tested.
- exists = [country tag] - tests if the country tag given currently exists.
- intel_diff = X - tests the relative difference between the source country's intelligence value and the target country's intelligence value. This is the value that is adjusted when the Encryption and Decryption Technologies are researched. If the actual intelligence difference is greater than the value given in X, the trigger evaluates to true.
- ai = [yes/no/country tag] - evaluates if either the country running the trigger, or the country given in [country tag] is controlled by the AI.
- difficulty = X - tests if the difficulty level is set at level X or harder. Possible values are from 0 to 4, where 0 is "very easy".
- leader = X - tests if the leader given as X exists.
- minister = [minister id] - tests whether the minister in [minister id] is alive.
- headofstate = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Head of State is the person in [minister id].
- headofgovernment = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Head of Government is the person in [minister id].
- foreignminister = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Foreign Minister is the person in [minister id].
- armamentminister = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Armament Minister is the person in [minister id].
- ministerofsecurity = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Minister of Security is the person in [minister id].
- ministerofintelligence = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Minister of Intelligence is the person in [minister id].
- chiefofstaff = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Chief of Staff is the person in [minister id].
- chiefofarmy = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Chief of Army is the person in [minister id].
- chiefofnavy = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Chief of Navy is the person in [minister id].
- chiefofair = [minister id] - tests whether the country's current Chief of Air is the person in [minister id].
- government = [government] # tests if the country running the event has the type of government given.
Valid government types are "communist", "fascist" or "democratic".
- ideology = [ideology] # tests if the country running the event has the ideology given.
Valid ideologies in are "nazi", "fascist", "paternal_autocrat", "social_conservative", "market_liberal", "social_liberal", "social_democrat", "left_wing_radical", "leninist" or "stalinist".
- domestic = { type = [domestic policy slider] value = [value] } # tests whether the domestic policy slider is of the value given.
Valid domestic policy sliders to specify include "democratic", "political_left", "free_market", "freedom", "professional_army", "defense_lobby" or "interventionism". Values can range from 1 through 10 (not 0 through 9 as stated elsewhere). A higher values means that the slider is further to the left.
- can_change_policy = { type = [domestic policy slider] value = [delta] } # true if the policy can be changed by delta
Armageddon 1.3 Beta 2, unlike domestic checks if a domestic policy can be changed normally and not by a specific value
Diplomatic condition checks
- major = [yes/no] - is true if the country that it is tested is either the UK (ENG), France (FRA), Germany (GER), Japan (JAP), the US (USA), Italy (ITA), or the USSR (SOV).
- atwar = [yes/no/country tag] - tests if either the country that is testing the trigger is currently at war, or whether another country [country tag] is at war.
- war = { country = [country tag] country = [country tag] } - tests if both countries given in the [country tag] parameters are at war.
- guarantee = { country = [country tag] country = [country tag] } - tests if the country given in the first [country tag] is guaranteeing the independence of the country in the second [country tag].
- ispuppet = [country tag] - tests whether the country in [country tag] is the puppet of any other nation.
- puppet = { country = [country tag] country = [country tag] } - will evaluate to true if the first [country tag] given is a puppet of the second [country tag].
- alliance = { country = [country tag] country = [country tag] } - checks if both [country tag] countries are part of the same military alliance.
- access = { country = [country tag] country = [country tag] } - checks if the first [country tag] is granting military access to the second [country tag].
- non_aggression = { country = [country tag] country = [country tag] } - checks if both [country tag]'s have signed a non-aggression pact.
- trade = { country = [country tag] country = [country tag] } - checks if both [country tag]'s have at least one active trade agreement.
- belligerence = { country = [tag] value = X } - is true if [country tag]'s belligerence >= X. If no "country = [tag]" field is provided it means "this country".
Technology condition checks
- technology = [tech id] - tests if the country evaluating the trigger has researched the technology given in [tech id].
- is_tech_active = [tech id] - tests if the technology given in [tech id] is currently researchable.
Condition flags
- flag = [name] - tests if the [name] global flag has been defined and is set to true. A global flag if a flag that has been set earlier in the scenario file or as a trigger, and is visible to all nations in the game. NOTE: the [name] cannot include non-alphanumeric characters (like an exclamation mark).
- local_flag = [name] - tests if the [name] local flag has been defined and is set to true. A local flag is a flag that has been set eariler in the scenario file or as a trigger, and is visible only to the nation receiving this event. NOTE: the [name] cannot include non-alphanumeric characters (like an exclamation mark).
Province checks
- owned = { province = [province id] data = [country tag/-1] } - checks if the province given, is owned by the country given. If -1 is used as the tag parameter to data, then the condition is evaluated for whichever country is receiving the event.
- control = { province = a data = [country tag/-1] } - checks if the province given is controlled or occupied by the country given. If -1 is used as the tag parameter to data, then the condition is evaluated for whichever country is receiving the event.
[ ]{#Resource_&_Game_values} Resource & Game values
- year = [value] - tests whether the game year is equal or greater than [value].
- month = [value] - tests whether the game month is equal or greater than [value].
- day = [value] - tests whether the game day is equal or greater than [value]. The first day of the month is day 0.
- dissent = [amount] - tests if the country has at least the amount of dissent in [amount].
- manpower = [amount] - tests if the country has at least the amount of manpower in [amount].
- energy = [amount] - tests if the country has at least the amount of energy in [amount].
- oil = [amount] - tests if the country has at least the amount of oil in [amount].
- rare_materials = [amount] - tests if the country has at least the amount of rare materials in [amount].
- metal = [amount] - tests if the country has at least the amount of metal in [amount].
- supplies = [amount] - tests if the country has at least the amount of supplies in [amount].
Victory Points
- lost_VP = { country = [country tag] value = [value] } - evaluates whether [country tag] no longer controls greater than [value] percent of all the victory points from the provinces that the country currently has ownership of.
- lost_national = { country = [country tag] value = [value] } - evaluates whether [country tag] has lost control of [value] percent of its national (or core) provinces.
- lost_IC = { country = [country tag] value = [value] } - evaluates whether [country tag] has lost control of [value] percent of the IC in the provinces that it currently has ownership of.
- axis = X - tests if axis powers hold at least X victory points.
- allies = X - tests if allied powers hold at least X victory points.
- comintern = X - tests if comintern powers hold at least X victory points.
- vp = X - tests if currently held key points plus extra victory points is equal to or more than X.
- range = { min = X max = X } - is true if the current victory points lies within the specified range).
Military unit condition checks
- under_attack = [country tag] - tests if [country tag] is under attack.
- division_exists = { type = [unit type] id = [unit id] } - tests whether the division [unit type], with the id [unit id] is currently active in the game.
- division_in_province = { id = { type = [id type] id = [id id] } province = [province id] } - tests whether the province [provence id] contains division [unit type] with id [unit id].
- [div type] = X or [div type] = { country = [country tag] value = X } - tests if X or more of the specified type of division exists, for [country tag]. The second formulation is preferred.
- garrison = { country = [country tag] province = [province
id] type = [air/land/naval] size = [number of divisions] area = [yes/no]
} - tests if [country tag] has divisions equal or above [size]
in the specified [province id]. If no type is specified, this means "all
division types". "Size" is the number of divisions, and "area = yes"
means that divisions in all provinces in this controlled area are
- Do not use "area = yes" for sea provinces. Do not use size = 0 if you are looking for non-guarded provinces, invert the command by looking for the province to be not guarded with one division ( size = 1 ).
- type = endgame value = [value]
- The valid values that can be used in the [value] parameter include: - 0 = quit - 1 = eliminated - 2 = draw - 3 = axis victory - 4 = axis total vic - 5 = allies-victory - 6 = alliestotal - 7 = commie - 8 = commietotal
- type = extra_tc value = [value]
- Adds "off map" transport capacity to the nation which the event targets.
Diplomatic commands
- type = alliance which = [ Nation Tag ]
- Creates an alliance between the nation that the event targets and the nation signified in the [ Nation Tag ] parameter. if -1 is used, an alliance will be formed with a random nation.
- type = inherit which = [ Nation Tag ]
- Causes the nation that is triggering the event to completely take over the nation specified in the [ Nation Tag ] parameter. if -1 is used, the nation triggering the event will inherit a random nation.
- type = country which = [ Nation Tag ]
- Changes the tag of the country.
- type = addcore which = [province id]
- Adds the province specified to the core provinces of the nation that the event is running against.
- type = removecore which = [province id]
- Removes the claim that the country running the event has on the provence specified in [provence id].
- type = secedeprovince which = [ Nation Tag ] value = [province id]
- The nation which is running the event secedes a province specified in the province id to the nation specified in the Nation Tag parameter.
type = control which = [tag] value = [province id]
- type = belligerence which = [country] value = X
- No which field means "this country".
- type = relation which = [country] value = X
- Add X to the relation
- type = set_relation which = [country] value = X
- Set relation to X
- type = peace which = [country tag] value = [0/1]
- 1 means separate peace - i.e. pull out of alliance. 0 is full peace, for the whole alliance.
- type = war which = [country tag]
- Create a war between the objective nation and the trigger one.
- type = make_puppet which = [country tag]
- Armageddon 1.3 Beta 2, changes cabinet and policy settings to match master
- type = coup_nation which = [country tag]
- The target nation suffers a coup of state
- type = access which = [country tag]
- Grant military access _to_ a country
- type = independence which = [country tag] value = [0/1] when = [0/1]
- value 0 - units in the area change allegiance, 1 - they don't. , when 0=normal, 1= force them to be democratic
- type = end_access which = [country tag]
- Revoke military access for nation
- type = leave_alliance
- The Nation that the event targets leaves the alliance.
- type = end_non_aggression which = [country] where = [country]
- End a non aggression pact between these countries
- type = non_aggression which = [country] where = [country]
- Create a non aggression pact between these countries
- type = end_trades which = [country] where = [country]
- End all trade agreements between these countries
- type = end_guarantee which = [country] where = [country]
- Country 1 no longer guarantees independence of country 2
- type = guarantee which = [country] where = [country]
- Country 1 now guarantees independence of country 2
- Armageddon 1.3 Beta 2, costs/substracts money in commands
- type = end_puppet
- End puppet status
- type = end_mastery which = [country tag]
- End puppet mastery over another nation
- Armageddon 1.3 Beta 2, does not cost/substract money in commands
- type = capital which = [province id]
- Change the capital province of the nation that is running the event.
type = regime_falls
- type = civil_war
- Civil war with any possible revolter that has shared national provinces
- type = civil_war which = [rebel country tag]
- NOTE: This MUST be a tag which has regular_id set to this country, or vice versa. This can be seen in the scenario file.
- type = dissent value = [value to add]
- Positives values adds national dissent, and negatives subtracts it.
- type = domestic which = [democratic/political_left/free_market/freedom/professional_army/defense_lobby/interventionism] value = X
- Change a domestic policy by X
- type = set_domestic which = [democratic/political_left/free_market/freedom/professional_army/defense_lobby/interventionism] value = X
- Set a domestic policy to X
- type = change_policy which = [democratic/political_left/free_market/freedom/professional_army/defense_lobby/interventionism] value = [+/- 1]
- Change a domestic policy when it is possible
- Armageddon 1.3 Beta 2, only changes policy when they are not locked, also sets new cooldown
- type = resource which =[resource type] value = X
- % of theoretical maximum daily production added to national resource pool.
- type = supplies value = [value to add] where = [prov]
- If no "where" field is used, it goes to the national pool.
- type = [oilpool/metalpool/energypool/rarematerialspool] value = [value to add] where = [prov]
- If no "where" field is used, it goes to the national pool.
- type = money value = [value to add]
- Take care with negative value for the AI, as the AI cannot annex countries while overdrafted, possibly disturbing the AI.
- In Armageddon 1.3 Beta 2, exist a limit of 65,000 in a single command
- type = steal_tech which = [country tag/-1 for random non-ally]
- Steals a random tech. Results in a blueprint.
- type = gain_tech which = [tech id/-1 for random tech/-2 for a random tech currently being researched]
- Results in a blueprint, not a technology.
type = research_sabotaged
- type = sleepteam which = [tech team id]
- Makes this team unavailable (sets "start year" to 2001. Will complete current project though.)
- type = waketeam which = [tech team id]
- Makes this team available (sets "start year" to previous year.)
- type = trigger which = [event id]
- Immediately trigger the event specified by [event id]
- type = sleepevent which = [event id]
- This event is not going to happen (again in case of the persistent ones). Still can be triggered via console and sometimes by other events.
- type = setflag which = [keyname]
- Global flag, visible for all countries. (Visible means valid in event terms)
- type = clrflag which = [keyname]
- Global flag, visible for all countries.
- type = local_setflag which = [keyname]
- Local flag, visible only for this country.
- type = local_clrflag which = [keyname]
- Local flag, visible only for this country.
Victory commands
- type = vp value = X
- Offmap Victory Points
- type = province_keypoints which = [province id/-1] value = [keypoints to add]
- Adds value victory points to the selected province. Negatives values reduce it.
- type = ground_def_eff which = [value to add]
- Affects defense capabilities of all units. The default value is 0.80
- Armageddon 1.3 Beta 2, cannot be incremented in easy steps (+/- 0.01), has to be set as a complete value e.g. 0.97
- type = set_leader_skill which = [leader id/-1] value = [new value]
- Gives to the selected general the value skill.
- type = manpowerpool value = [value to add]
- Adds value manpower
- type = relative_manpower value = [%]
- Add a percentage of [yearly national manpower income ; 50] to the pool
- type = allow_dig_in
- Troops may now dig in
type = sleepminister which = [minister id/-1]
type = sleepleader which = [leader id/-1]
- type = switch_allegiance which = [unit id type/-1] value = [unit id id]where = [country tag]
- -1 is a random unit (value will be ignored).
- type = delete_unit which = [unit id type/-1/-2/-3] value = [unit id id]
- -1 is a random land unit (value will be ignored).
- -2 is a random naval unit (value will be ignored).
- -3 is a random air unit (value will be ignored).
- type = ai which = [file name]
- Switches the ai file of a country.
type = build_division which = [division type] value = [brigade type]
- type = construct which = [building type] where = [prov id/-1/-4] value = [additional size]
- -1 is random valid province.
- -4 is random national province that already has a building of the same type of at least size 1.
type = add_corps which = [name] value = [land/air/naval] when = [leader ID] where = [province_ID]
- type = activate_division which = [div id type] value = [div id id] [where = province] when = [0/1]
- Activates a dormant division. If "when = 0" the division will deploy to the force pool if the target province is enemy controlled. If a preceding add_corps command has been used, the division will go to that unit, ignoring the 'when' and 'where' directives.
- type = add_division which = [name] value = [div type] when = model where = [brigade type]
- Brigade model is always the latest. If a preceding add_corps command has been used, the division will go to that unit, otherwise to the force pool.
- type = remove_division which = [div id type/-1] value = [div id id]
- Remove a division from the scenario. -1 is a random division (the value field will be ignored).
- type = remove_division which = "Exact Name" value = [country tag]
- Remove a named division from the scenario (for a certain country.)
- type = damage_division which = [div id type/-1] value = [div id id] where = X
- where = Percent of Max Strength. Negative value is strength gain.
- type = disorg_division which = [div id type/-1] value = [div id id] where = X
- where = Percent of Max Strength. Negative value is org gain.
type = allow_convoy_escorts
- type = transport_pool which = [country] value = X
- Adds/removes transports from pool
- type = escort_pool which = [country] value = X
- Adds/removes escorts from pool
- type = peacetime_ic_mod value = X(%)
- Additive, and ONLY applied when a country is at peace. Default base value is 100%.
type = convoy which = [startprov] value = [endprov] when = [resource_bits] 1=oil, 2=metal, 4=energy, 8=rare_materials, 16=supplies
- type = deactivate which = [tech id]
- Make this technology permanently unavailable for the country.
- type = tc_mod value = X(%)
- Modify National Transport Capacity. Positive value = good.
- type = tc_occupied_mod value = X(%)
- Modify Occupied Province Transport Capacity Drain. Positive value = good.
- type = attrition_mod value = X(%)
- Modify the Attrition Penalty. Positive value = good.
- type = supply_dist_mod value = X(%)
- Modify the Supply Distance Penalty. Positive value = good.
- type = repair_mod value = X(%)
- Modify Reinforcement Efficiency. Positive value = good.
- type = research_mod value = X(%)
- Modify research efficiency. Positive value = good.
- type = scrap_model which = [div type] value = [model]
- Make a model obsolete (no longer possible to build).
- type = allow_building which = [building type]
- Allow the construction of a certain building type.
- type = building_prod_mod which = [building type] value = X%
- Bonus to production time. Additive. NOTE: Positive value = reduced time.
- type = convoy_prod_mod which = [escorts/transports] value = X%
- Bonus to production time. Additive. NOTE: Positive value = reduced time.
- type = radar_eff value = X(%)
- Modify the efficiency of radar stations (bonus to friendly aircraft in the province.) Positive value = good.
- type = info_may_cause which = [tech id]
- No effect, but informs player that this tech/event can open up new avenues of research.
- type = gas_attack
- Enable gas attacks (was in Victoria - has no effect)
- type = gas_protection
- Enable gas protection (was in Victoria - has no effect)
- type = activate which = [tech id]
- Will be used in Random events
- Made available the research of the desire tech.
- type = task_efficiency which = [task type] value = X
- Additive: 0.1 - 1.0
- type = add_prov_resource which = [prov id/-1/-4] value = X where = [energy/metal/oil/rare_materials]
- -1 is random province, -4 is province with nuclear reactor.
- type = max_positioning which = [div type] value = X
- sets the value 0.1-1.0
- type = min_positioning which = [div type] value = X
- sets the value 0.1-1.0
- type = max_reactor_size value = X
- Set the max size of nuclear reactor buildings.
- type = abomb_production
- Allow A-Bombs
- type = double_nuke_prod
- Double A-Bomb production rate.
type = songs
- type = lock_division which = [id type] value = [id id]
- Lock this division (it may no longer move.)
- type = unlock_division which = [id type] value = [id id]
- Unlock this division (it may now move.)
- type = free_oil/free_supplies/free_money/free_metal/free_energy/free_rare_materials/free_transport/free_convoy
- Change offmap daily production
[ ]{#AI_event_commands_(no_effect_for_human_controlled_nations)} AI event commands (no effect for human controlled nations)
- ai_chance = x
- Show the probability of the Ai of select this option.
- type = ai_prepare_warwhich = [tag]
- Tells the AI to move troops to the border with a country.
Weather event commands
- type = start_pattern which = [id type] value = [id id] where = [provence id] when = [raining/snowing/storm/blizzard]
- Start a new weather pattern centered on a given province
- type = add_to_pattern which = [id type] value = [id id] where = [provence id] when = [raining/snowing/storm/blizzard]
- Add a province to an existing weather pattern.
- type = end_pattern which = [id type] value = [id id]
- This weather pattern will begin to dissipate
type = set_ground which = [provence id] value = [clear/muddy/winter]
Commands to affect the chance of "combat events" occurring. Additive (%).
type = counterattack value = x
type = assault value = x
type = encirclement value = x
type = ambush value = x
type = delay value = x
type = tactical_withdrawal value = x
type = breakthrough value = x
HQ effects
- type = hq_supply_eff value = X(%)
- Additive
- type = sce_frequency value = X
- Combat event chance multiplier. Default: 1.0
Enable a certain type of mission
type = enable_task which = [task type]
New models updates the current template for a division or brigade type.
command = { type = [new_model] which = [division or brigade type] value = [The model number] }
Make a division or brigade type available for construction.
command = { type = activate_unit_type which = [division or brigade type] }
Make a division or brigade type unavailable for construction.
command = { type = deactivate_unit_type which = [division or brigade type] }
command = { type = nuclear_carrier which = [flying_bomb/flying_rocket] }
command = { type = missile_carrier which = [submarine] }
[unit value] = soft_attack/hard_attack/ground_defense/air_attack/air_defense/build_cost/build_time/manpower/speed/max_organization/transport_weight/supply_consumption/fuel_consumption/speed_cap_art/speed_cap_eng/speed_cap_at/speed_cap_aa
Land unit bonuses
command = { type = [unit value] which = [land/division type/brigade type] value = [additive value modifier] }
Air unit bonuses
command = { type = [air_attack/strategic_attack/tactical_attack/naval_attack/air_defense/build_cost/build_time/manpower/speed/surface_detection/air detection/transport_capacity/supply_consumption/fuel_consumption/range] which = [air/division type/brigade type] value = [additive value modifier] }
Naval unit bonuses
command = { type = [naval_attack/air_attack/shore_attack/naval_defense/air_defense/build_cost/build_time/manpower/speed/surface_detection/air detection/visibility/transport_capacity/supply_consumption/fuel_consumption/range] which = [naval/division type/brigade type] value = [additive value modifier] }
NOTE: For "build_time" and "build_cost", it is possible to add the field "where = relative".
This means that the value is parsed as a relative modifier (%) instead of an absolute addition.
When doing this, THE BASE VALUE OF MODEL 0 IS USED FOR _ALL_ MODELS. So "value = -10" means
"-10% of the value of model 0".
UNIT COMBAT MODIFIERS (In percents : +10 = 10%)
Terrain combat modifiers
command = { type = [jungle_defense/jungle_attack/desert_attack/desert_defense/mountain_attack/mountain_defense/hill_attack/hill_defense/forest_attack/forest_defense/swamp_attack/swamp_defense/urban_attack/urban_defense/river_attack/shore_attack/paradrop_attack] which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X] }
Terrain movement modifiers
command = { type = [jungle_move/desert_move/mountain_move/hill_move/forest_move/swamp_move/urban_move/river_crossing] which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X] }
Weather land-combat modifiers
command = { type = [frozen_attack/frozen_defense/snow_attack/snow_defense/blizzard_attack/blizzard_defense/rain_attack/rain_defense/storm_attack/storm_defense/muddy_attack/muddy_defense] which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X] }
Weather land-movement modifiers
command = { type = [frozen_move/snow_move/blizzard_move/rain_move/storm_move/muddy_move] which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X] }
Weather air-combat modifiers
command = { type = [snow_attack/rain_attack] which = [interceptor/escort/multi_role/strategic_bomber/tactical_bomber/torpedo_plane] value = [X] }
Weather air-movement modifiers
command = { type = [snow_move/blizzard_move/rain_move/storm_move] which = [interceptor/escort/multi_role/strategic_bomber/tactical_bomber/torpedo_plane/transport_plane] value = [X] }
Weather naval-combat modifiers
command = { type = [snow_attack/rain_attack] which = [battleship/cruiser/destroyer/carrier/submarine/transports] value = [X] }
Weather naval-movement modifiers
command = { type = [snow_move/blizzard_move/rain_move/storm_move] which = [battleship/cruiser/destroyer/carrier/submarine/transports] value = [X] }
Night modifiers
command = { type = night_move/night_attack/night_defense which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X] }
Minisubs (BBs and CVs attack ships in harbors with this bonus added to their sea attack value)
command = { type = minisub_bonus value = [X] }
This value is NOT INCREMENTAL, it is the new value.
The following modifiers are in percents:
Surprise modifiers
command = { type = surprise which = [naval/land/air] value = [X] }
Intelligence Operation modifiers
command = { type = intelligence which = [us/them] value = [X] }
Army Detection modifiers
command = { type = army_detection which = [us/them] value = [X] }
Provincial AA batteries
command = { type = AA_batteries value = [X] }
Industrial multipliers
E.g. energy_to_oil 4 means four energy are needed to produce one oil. 0.5 means 1 energy produces 2 oil.
command = { type = industrial_multiplier which = [energy_to_oil/oil_to_rare_materials] value = [X] }
Industrial modifiers (additive)
'total' is the conversion factor from every built industry point into Industrial Capacity.
'supplies' is a modifier for the amount of supplies produced by every reserved IC unit.
command = { type = industrial_modifier which = [total/supplies] # Percents value = [X] }
Building Types:
- [ic, coastal_fort, land_fort, flak, infrastructure, air_base, naval_base, radar_station, nuclear_reactor, rocket_test]
- Self explanatory
Task Types:
[attack, rebase, strat_redeploy, support_attack, support_defense, reserves, anti_partisan_duty, air_superiority, ground_attack, runway_cratering, installation_strike, interdiction, naval_strike, port_strike, logistical_strike, strategic_bombardment, air_supply, airborne_assault, convoy_raiding, asw, naval_interdiction, shore_bombardment, amphibous_assault, sea_transport, naval_combat_patrol]
Resource Types:
[oil, metal, energy, rare_materials, supplies, money]