

Based on the Harry Turtledove novels, players unfamiliar with those novels may well enjoy this mod anyway. Consider a world where the Confederate States of America still exists and with their British and French allies lost WW1 to the powers of the German Empire and the United States. It is now 1936 and war looms again. The Entente powers have swung towards extremist governments, the USA and Germany have become complacent and the Communist forces never took power in Russia; in the pacific the Japanese are still hungry for more territory...

  • Mod Forum: Settling Accounts
  • Download: None - The links on the Forum website are dead
  • Current Version: 3.0
  • Last Update: August, 2008
  • Popularity: 1,000 - 5,000 posts
  • Compatibility: HOI2 , DD , ARMA


Feature Description
Graphics & Sound

Confederacy, A UK and France with much of their empires broken up, an occupied Canada, an Austro-Hungarian Empire that never fell, plus much more.

Many new puppet states.

New Units Take command of 'specific to this timeline' units... The CS 'Stalwart' Infantry Division, the British 'Silvershirts' Armoured Division plus many others.
Game Mechanics