Assorted guides
[ ]{#General_guides_&_FAQ} [ General guides & FAQ ]{#Gen eral_guides_.26_FAQ .mw-headline} |
[ ]{Domestic_policy_&_economy} [ Dome stic policy & economy ]{#Domestic policy.26_economy .mw-headline}
Capacity](/wiki/Do_I_build_Fact ories%3F “Do I build Factories?”) |
[ Land guides ]{#Land_guides .mw-headline}
Efficiency](/wiki/Land_Combat_Eff iciency “Land Combat Efficiency”) - Land Doctrine - Conquered Territories - Small nation armies - Comparison: Infantry, Motorized, or Mechaniz ed? - Militia Strategy Guide - Conducting Blitzkrieg offensives |
[ ]{#Naval_&airguides} [ Naval & air guides ]{#N aval_.26_air_guides .mw-headline} |
Country guides
[ Major powers ]{#Major_power s .mw-headline} 60 and above Base IC.
loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/d/de/France. png/30px-France .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/d/de/ France.png/40px -France.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/F rance “France”) France ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/9 /9b/Germany.png /30px-Germany.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/9/9b/Ge rmany.png/40px- Germany.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Ger many “Germany”) Ger many ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/images /thumb/2/2a/Ita ly.png/30px-Ita ly.png 1.5x, /i mages/thumb/2/2 a/Italy.png/40p x-Italy.png 2x” wid th=“20”}](/wiki /Italy “Italy”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/images /thumb/f/fc/Jap an.png/30px-Jap an.png 1.5x, /i mages/thumb/f/f c/Japan.png/40p x-Japan.png 2x” wid th=“20”}](/wiki /Japan “Japan”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset =“/images/thumb /2/29/United_Ki ngdom.png/30px- United_Kingdom. png 1.5x, /imag es/thumb/2/29/U nited_Kingdom.p ng/40px-United_ Kingdom.png 2x” width= “20”}](/wiki/Un ited_Kingdom “U nited Kingdom”) United Ki ngdom ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of USA](/images/ thumb/5/55/USA. png/ g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/images/th umb/5/55/ g/20px-USA.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset= “/images/thumb/ 5/55/USA.png/30 px-USA.png 1.5x , /images/thumb /5/55/USA.png/4 0px-USA.png 2x” width=“20”}](/ wiki/USA “USA”) USA ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/imag es/thumb/6/67/S oviet_Union.png /30px-Soviet_Un ion.png 1.5x, / images/thumb/6/ 67/Soviet_Union .png/40px-Sovie t_Union.png 2x” wi dth=“20”}](/wik i/Soviet_Union “Soviet Union”) Soviet Union ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} |
[ Regional powers ]{ #Regional_power s .mw-headline} Between 20 and 59 Base IC.
url=“/images /thumb/a/a2/Arg entina.png/20px -Argentina.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/a/a2/Arge ntina.png/30px- Argentina.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/a/a2/Argent ina.png/40px-Ar gentina.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Argenti na “Argentina”) Argentina ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images /thumb/4/43/Aus tralia.png/20px -Australia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/4/43/Aust ralia.png/30px- Australia.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/4/43/Austra lia.png/40px-Au stralia.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Austral ia “Australia”) Australia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/3 /32/Belgium.png /30px-Belgium.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/3/32/Be lgium.png/40px- Belgium.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Bel gium “Belgium”) Bel gium ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Brazil] (/images/thumb/ 8/8c/Brazil.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/8/ 8c/Brazil.png/2 0px-Brazil.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/8/8c/Brazil. png/30px-Brazil .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/8/8c/ Brazil.png/40px -Brazil.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/B razil “Brazil”) Brazil ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Bulgaria](/im ages/thumb/f/f4 /Bulgaria.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/f/f4/B ulgaria.png/20p x-Bulgaria.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/f/f4/ Bulgaria.png/30 px-Bulgaria.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/f/f4/Bulg aria.png/40px-B ulgaria.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Bulga ria “Bulgaria”) Bulgar ia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Canada] (/images/thumb/ a/a3/Canada.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/a/ a3/Canada.png/2 0px-Canada.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/a/a3/Canada. png/30px-Canada .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/a/a3/ Canada.png/40px -Canada.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/C anada “Canada”) Canada ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset =“/images/thumb /c/c1/Czechoslo vakia.png/30px- Czechoslovakia. png 1.5x, /imag es/thumb/c/c1/C zechoslovakia.p ng/40px-Czechos lovakia.png 2x” width= “20”}](/wiki/Cz echoslovakia “C zechoslovakia”) Czechoslo vakia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset =“/images/thumb /6/68/Guangxi_C lique.png/30px- Guangxi_Clique. png 1.5x, /imag es/thumb/6/68/G uangxi_Clique.p ng/40px-Guangxi _Clique.png 2x” width= “20”}](/wiki/Gu angxi_Clique “G uangxi Clique”) Guangxi C lique ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/6 /6a/Hungary.png /30px-Hungary.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/6/6a/Hu ngary.png/40px- Hungary.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Hun gary “Hungary”) Hun gary ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images /thumb/1/16/Man chukuo.png/20px -Manchukuo.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/1/16/Manc hukuo.png/30px- Manchukuo.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/1/16/Manchu kuo.png/40px-Ma nchukuo.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Manchuk uo “Manchukuo”) Manchukuo ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Nationalist China](/image s/thumb/7/7e/Na tionalist_China .png/20px-Natio g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/images/ thumb/7/7e/Nati onalist_China.p ng/20px-Nationa list_China.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” src set=“/images/th umb/7/7e/Nation alist_China.png /30px-Nationali st_China.png 1. 5x, /images/thu mb/7/7e/Nationa list_China.png/ 40px-Nationalis t_China.png 2x” width=“20”}] (/wiki/National ist_China “Nati onalist China”) [Nationalist China] (/wiki/National ist_China “Nati onalist China”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Nationalist Spain](/image s/thumb/2/2c/Na tionalist_Spain .png/20px-Natio g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/images/ thumb/2/2c/Nati onalist_Spain.p ng/20px-Nationa list_Spain.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” src set=“/images/th umb/2/2c/Nation alist_Spain.png /30px-Nationali st_Spain.png 1. 5x, /images/thu mb/2/2c/Nationa list_Spain.png/ 40px-Nationalis t_Spain.png 2x” width=“20”}] (/wiki/National ist_Spain “Nati onalist Spain”) [Nationalist Spain] (/wiki/National ist_Spain “Nati onalist Spain”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ images/thumb/3/ 32/Netherlands. png/30px-Nether lands.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/ 3/32/Netherland s.png/40px-Neth erlands.png 2x” width=“20”}](/w iki/Netherlands “Netherlands”) Netherlands ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Poland] (/images/thumb/ 9/99/Poland.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/9/ 99/Poland.png/2 0px-Poland.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/9/99/Poland. png/30px-Poland .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/9/99/ Poland.png/40px -Poland.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/P oland “Poland”) Poland ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/image s/thumb/2/24/Re publican_Spain. png/30px-Republ ican_Spain.png 1.5x, /images/t humb/2/24/Repub lican_Spain.png /40px-Republica n_Spain.png 2x” width=“20” }](/wiki/Republ ican_Spain “Rep ublican Spain”) Republican Spai n ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/8 /8f/Romania.png /30px-Romania.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/8/8f/Ro mania.png/40px- Romania.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Rom ania “Romania”) Rom ania ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Sweden] (/images/thumb/ 9/98/Sweden.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/9/ 98/Sweden.png/2 0px-Sweden.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/9/98/Sweden. png/30px-Sweden .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/9/98/ Sweden.png/40px -Sweden.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/S weden “Sweden”) Sweden ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Turkey] (/images/thumb/ b/b3/Turkey.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/b/ b3/Turkey.png/2 0px-Turkey.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/b/b3/Turkey. png/30px-Turkey .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/b/b3/ Turkey.png/40px -Turkey.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/T urkey “Turkey”) Turkey ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/imag es/thumb/e/ec/V ichy_France.png /30px-Vichy_Fra nce.png 1.5x, / images/thumb/e/ ec/Vichy_France .png/40px-Vichy _France.png 2x” wi dth=“20”}](/wik i/Vichy_France “Vichy France”) Vichy Fra nce ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images/t humb/f/f3/Yugos lavia.png/20px- Yugoslavia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcse t=“/images/thum b/f/f3/Yugoslav ia.png/30px-Yug oslavia.png 1.5 x, /images/thum b/f/f3/Yugoslav ia.png/40px-Yug oslavia.png 2x” width=“20”}]( /wiki/Yugoslavi a “Yugoslavia”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} |
[ Minor powers ]{#Minor_power s .mw-headline} Between 10 and 19 Base IC.
loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/7 /7f/Austria.png /30px-Austria.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/7/7f/Au stria.png/40px- Austria.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Aus tria “Austria”) Aus tria ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/images /thumb/f/fa/Chi le.png/30px-Chi le.png 1.5x, /i mages/thumb/f/f a/Chile.png/40p x-Chile.png 2x” wid th=“20”}](/wiki /Chile “Chile”) Chi le ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Colombia](/im ages/thumb/8/80 /Colombia.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/8/80/C olombia.png/20p x-Colombia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/8/80/ Colombia.png/30 px-Colombia.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/8/80/Colo mbia.png/40px-C olombia.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Colom bia “Colombia”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/6 /69/Denmark.png /30px-Denmark.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/6/69/De nmark.png/40px- Denmark.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Den mark “Denmark”) Den mark ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/c /c4/Finland.png /30px-Finland.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/c/c4/Fi nland.png/40px- Finland.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Fin land “Finland”) Fin land ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Greece] (/images/thumb/ d/d8/Greece.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/d/ d8/Greece.png/2 0px-Greece.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/d/d8/Greece. png/30px-Greece .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/d/d8/ Greece.png/40px -Greece.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/G reece “Greece”) Greece ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/4 /4b/Ireland.png /30px-Ireland.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/4/4b/Ir eland.png/40px- Ireland.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Ire land “Ireland”) Ire land ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Mexico] (/images/thumb/ 0/0a/Mexico.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/0/ 0a/Mexico.png/2 0px-Mexico.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/0/0a/Mexico. png/30px-Mexico .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/0/0a/ Mexico.png/40px -Mexico.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/M exico “Mexico”) Mexico ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Norway] (/images/thumb/ 0/0f/Norway.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“533” f ile-width=“800” url=“/ images/thumb/0/ 0f/Norway.png/2 0px-Norway.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/0/0f/Norway. png/30px-Norway .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/0/0f/ Norway.png/40px -Norway.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/N orway “Norway”) Norway ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/im ages/thumb/a/a8 /Peru.png/30px- Peru.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/a /a8/Peru.png/40 px-Peru.png 2x” w idth=“20”}](/wi ki/Peru “Peru”) Peru ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Portugal](/im ages/thumb/1/12 /Portugal.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/1/12/P ortugal.png/20p x-Portugal.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/1/12/ Portugal.png/30 px-Portugal.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/1/12/Port ugal.png/40px-P ortugal.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Portu gal “Portugal”) Portug al ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Shanxi] (/images/thumb/ d/d0/Shanxi.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/d/ d0/Shanxi.png/2 0px-Shanxi.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/d/d0/Shanxi. png/30px-Shanxi .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/d/d0/ Shanxi.png/40px -Shanxi.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/S hanxi “Shanxi”) Shanxi ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/imag es/thumb/e/ef/S outh_Africa.png /30px-South_Afr ica.png 1.5x, / images/thumb/e/ ef/South_Africa .png/40px-South _Africa.png 2x” wi dth=“20”}](/wik i/South_Africa “South Africa”) [South Africa](/wik i/South_Africa “South Africa”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Slovakia](/im ages/thumb/8/89 /Slovakia.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/8/89/S lovakia.png/20p x-Slovakia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/8/89/ Slovakia.png/30 px-Slovakia.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/8/89/Slov akia.png/40px-S lovakia.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Slova kia “Slovakia”) Slovak ia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ images/thumb/0/ 01/Switzerland. png/30px-Switze rland.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/ 0/01/Switzerlan d.png/40px-Swit zerland.png 2x” width=“20”}](/w iki/Switzerland “Switzerland”) Switzerland ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} |
[ Micro powers ]{#Micro_power s .mw-headline} Below 10 Base IC.
loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ images/thumb/7/ 7d/Afghanistan. png/30px-Afghan istan.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/ 7/7d/Afghanista n.png/40px-Afgh anistan.png 2x” width=“20”}](/w iki/Afghanistan “Afghanistan”) Afghanistan ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/0 /07/Albania.png /30px-Albania.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/0/07/Al bania.png/40px- Albania.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Alb ania “Albania”) Alb ania ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Bhutan] (/images/thumb/ 8/85/Bhutan.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/8/ 85/Bhutan.png/2 0px-Bhutan.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/8/85/Bhutan. png/30px-Bhutan .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/8/85/ Bhutan.png/40px -Bhutan.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/B hutan “Bhutan”) Bhutan ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/3 /38/Bolivia.png /30px-Bolivia.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/3/38/Bo livia.png/40px- Bolivia.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Bol ivia “Bolivia”) Bolivia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/i mages/thumb/1/1 a/Communist_Chi na.png/30px-Com g 1.5x, /images /thumb/1/1a/Com g/40px-Communis t_China.png 2x” width=“2 0”}](/wiki/Comm unist_China “Co mmunist China”) Communist Ch ina ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Costa Rica](/images /thumb/d/da/Cos ta_Rica.png/20p g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/images/t humb/d/da/Costa _Rica.png/20px- Costa_Rica.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcse t=“/images/thum b/d/da/Costa_Ri ca.png/30px-Cos ta_Rica.png 1.5 x, /images/thum b/d/da/Costa_Ri ca.png/40px-Cos ta_Rica.png 2x” width=“20”}]( /wiki/Costa_Ric a “Costa Rica”) [Costa Rica](/wiki/ index.php?title =Costa_Rica&act ion=edit&redlin k=1 “Costa Rica (page does not exist)”){.new} ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/im ages/thumb/6/6c /Cuba.png/30px- Cuba.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/6 /6c/Cuba.png/40 px-Cuba.png 2x” w idth=“20”}](/wi ki/Cuba “Cuba”) Cuba ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images/th umb/5/5b/Domini g/20px-Dominica n_Republic.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset= “/images/thumb/ 5/5b/Dominican_ Republic.png/30 px-Dominican_Re public.png 1.5x , /images/thumb /5/5b/Dominican _Republic.png/4 0px-Dominican_R epublic.png 2x” width=“20”}](/ wiki/Dominican_ Republic “Domin ican Republic”) Dominican Republic ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/b /b2/Ecuador.png /30px-Ecuador.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/b/b2/Ec uador.png/40px- Ecuador.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Ecu ador “Ecuador”) Ecuador ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ images/thumb/5/ 5c/El_Salvador. png/30px-El_Sal vador.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/ 5/5c/El_Salvado r.png/40px-El_S alvador.png 2x” width=“20”}](/w iki/El_Salvador “El Salvador”) El Sal vador ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/6 /6f/Estonia.png /30px-Estonia.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/6/6f/Es tonia.png/40px- Estonia.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Est onia “Estonia”) Est onia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Ethiopia](/im ages/thumb/0/06 /Ethiopia.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/0/06/E thiopia.png/20p x-Ethiopia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/0/06/ Ethiopia.png/30 px-Ethiopia.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/0/06/Ethi opia.png/40px-E thiopia.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Ethio pia “Ethiopia”) Ethiop ia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images /thumb/5/55/Gua temala.png/20px -Guatemala.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/5/55/Guat emala.png/30px- Guatemala.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/5/55/Guatem ala.png/40px-Gu atemala.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Guatema la “Guatemala”) Guatemala ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/images /thumb/2/28/Hai ti.png/30px-Hai ti.png 1.5x, /i mages/thumb/2/2 8/Haiti.png/40p x-Haiti.png 2x” wid th=“20”}](/wiki /Haiti “Haiti”) Hai ti ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Honduras](/im ages/thumb/0/09 /Honduras.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/0/09/H onduras.png/20p x-Honduras.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/0/09/ Honduras.png/30 px-Honduras.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/0/09/Hond uras.png/40px-H onduras.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Hondu ras “Honduras”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/im ages/thumb/c/c4 /Iraq.png/30px- Iraq.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/c /c4/Iraq.png/40 px-Iraq.png 2x” w idth=“20”}](/wi ki/Iraq “Iraq”) Iraq ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Latvia] (/images/thumb/ 7/7c/Latvia.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/7/ 7c/Latvia.png/2 0px-Latvia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/7/7c/Latvia. png/30px-Latvia .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/7/7c/ Latvia.png/40px -Latvia.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/L atvia “Latvia”) Latvia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/0 /05/Liberia.png /30px-Liberia.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/0/05/Li beria.png/40px- Liberia.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Lib eria “Liberia”) Lib eria ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images /thumb/d/d9/Lit huania.png/20px -Lithuania.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/d/d9/Lith uania.png/30px- Lithuania.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/d/d9/Lithua nia.png/40px-Li thuania.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Lithuan ia “Lithuania”) Lithuania ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images /thumb/5/53/Lux emburg.png/20px -Luxemburg.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/5/53/Luxe mburg.png/30px- Luxemburg.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/5/53/Luxemb urg.png/40px-Lu xemburg.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Luxembu rg “Luxemburg”) Luxemburg ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Mongolia](/im ages/thumb/b/bc /Mongolia.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/b/bc/M ongolia.png/20p x-Mongolia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/b/bc/ Mongolia.png/30 px-Mongolia.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/b/bc/Mong olia.png/40px-M ongolia.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Mongo lia “Mongolia”) Mongol ia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/images /thumb/3/3a/Nep al.png/30px-Nep al.png 1.5x, /i mages/thumb/3/3 a/Nepal.png/40p x-Nepal.png 2x” wid th=“20”}](/wiki /Nepal “Nepal”) Nep al ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ images/thumb/d/ d9/New_Zealand. png/30px-New_Ze aland.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/ d/d9/New_Zealan d.png/40px-New_ Zealand.png 2x” width=“20”}](/w iki/New_Zealand “New Zealand”) New Zealand ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images /thumb/9/91/Nic aragua.png/20px -Nicaragua.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/9/91/Nica ragua.png/30px- Nicaragua.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/9/91/Nicara gua.png/40px-Ni caragua.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Nicarag ua “Nicaragua”) Nicaragua ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/im ages/thumb/2/27 /Oman.png/30px- Oman.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/2 /27/Oman.png/40 px-Oman.png 2x” w idth=“20”}](/wi ki/Oman “Oman”) Oman ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Panama] (/images/thumb/ 3/3f/Panama.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/3/ 3f/Panama.png/2 0px-Panama.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/3/3f/Panama. png/30px-Panama .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/3/3f/ Panama.png/40px -Panama.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/P anama “Panama”) Panama ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Paraguay](/im ages/thumb/5/57 /Paraguay.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/5/57/P araguay.png/20p x-Paraguay.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/5/57/ Paraguay.png/30 px-Paraguay.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/5/57/Para guay.png/40px-P araguay.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Parag uay “Paraguay”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Persia] (/images/thumb/ 0/01/Persia.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/0/ 01/Persia.png/2 0px-Persia.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/0/01/Persia. png/30px-Persia .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/0/01/ Persia.png/40px -Persia.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/P ersia “Persia”) Persia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ images/thumb/3/ 3b/Philippines. png/30px-Philip pines.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/ 3/3b/Philippine s.png/40px-Phil ippines.png 2x” width=“20”}](/w iki/Philippines “Philippines”) Philip pines ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/imag es/thumb/1/1f/S audi_Arabia.png /30px-Saudi_Ara bia.png 1.5x, / images/thumb/1/ 1f/Saudi_Arabia .png/40px-Saudi _Arabia.png 2x” wi dth=“20”}](/wik i/Saudi_Arabia “Saudi Arabia”) Saudi Ara bia ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/im ages/thumb/7/7e /Siam.png/30px- Siam.png 1.5x, /images/thumb/7 /7e/Siam.png/40 px-Siam.png 2x” w idth=“20”}](/wi ki/Siam “Siam”) Siam ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Sinkiang](/im ages/thumb/b/b8 /Sinkiang.png/2 g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/imag es/thumb/b/b8/S inkiang.png/20p x-Sinkiang.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/ima ges/thumb/b/b8/ Sinkiang.png/30 px-Sinkiang.png 1.5x, /images/ thumb/b/b8/Sink iang.png/40px-S inkiang.png 2x” width=“20”}](/wiki/Sinki ang “Sinkiang”) ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Tannu Tuva](/images /thumb/5/54/Tan nu_Tuva.png/20p g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/images/t humb/5/54/Tannu _Tuva.png/20px- Tannu_Tuva.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcse t=“/images/thum b/5/54/Tannu_Tu va.png/30px-Tan nu_Tuva.png 1.5 x, /images/thum b/5/54/Tannu_Tu va.png/40px-Tan nu_Tuva.png 2x” width=“20”}]( /wiki/Tannu_Tuv a “Tannu Tuva”) Tannu Tuva ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/images /thumb/0/03/Tib et.png/30px-Tib et.png 1.5x, /i mages/thumb/0/0 3/Tibet.png/40p x-Tibet.png 2x” wid th=“20”}](/wiki /Tibet “Tibet”) Tib et ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=” /images/thumb/2 /29/Uruguay.png /30px-Uruguay.p ng 1.5x, /image s/thumb/2/29/Ur uguay.png/40px- Uruguay.png 2x” width=” 20”}](/wiki/Uru guay “Uruguay”) Uruguay ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ url=“/images /thumb/5/5d/Ven ezuela.png/20px -Venezuela.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” s rcset=“/images/ thumb/5/5d/Vene zuela.png/30px- Venezuela.png 1 .5x, /images/th umb/5/5d/Venezu ela.png/40px-Ve nezuela.png 2x” width=“20”} ](/wiki/Venezue la “Venezuela”) Venezuela ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [![Flag of Xibei San Ma](/images/thu mb/6/6e/Xibei_S an_Ma.png/20px- g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url =“/images/thumb /6/6e/Xibei_San _Ma.png/20px-Xi bei_San_Ma.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcset=“/imag es/thumb/6/6e/X ibei_San_Ma.png /30px-Xibei_San _Ma.png 1.5x, / images/thumb/6/ 6e/Xibei_San_Ma .png/40px-Xibei _San_Ma.png 2x” wi dth=“20”}](/wik i/Xibei_San_Ma “Xibei San Ma”) Xibei San Ma ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [ loading=“lazy” srcset=“/images /thumb/f/fc/Yem en.png/30px-Yem en.png 1.5x, /i mages/thumb/f/f c/Yemen.png/40p x-Yemen.png 2x” wid th=“20”}](/wiki /Yemen “Yemen”) Yem en ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} - [ [[Flag of Yunnan] (/images/thumb/ 3/3b/Yunnan.png / g){.thumbborder fi le-height=“600” f ile-width=“900” url=“/ images/thumb/3/ 3b/Yunnan.png/2 0px-Yunnan.png” d ecoding=“async” height=“13” loading=“lazy” srcs et=“/images/thu mb/3/3b/Yunnan. png/30px-Yunnan .png 1.5x, /ima ges/thumb/3/3b/ Yunnan.png/40px -Yunnan.png 2x” width =“20”}](/wiki/Y unnan “Yunnan”) Yunnan ]{style=“white- space:nowrap;”} |
[ Guides to battlescenari os ]{#Guides_to _battlescenario s .mw-headline}
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[ Armageddonand The Abyss scenarios guide s ]{#Armageddon and_The_Abyss scenarios_guide s .mw-headline}